What type of neko are you?

What type of neko are you?

Find out what kind of neko are you with thi quiz (please rate and comment)

published on May 18, 201647 responses 8
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If you saw a cute cat on the street what would you do?

If you saw a cute cat on the street what would you do?
I don't know....leave it
Awwww a human did this to it poor thing!!!
Take it home and dress it cutely
Call my friends and my it my new adorable pet!!?

What do you do if you see the boy you like what do you do?

What do you do if you see the boy you like what do you do?
Idk smile??
Make him think I'm sexy and try to flirt
Talk about animals
Look cute and laugh (make him think I'm having a good time)

If you saw a nerd what would you do??

If you saw a nerd what would you do??
Run it will mess up my reputation
Run its not a animal (I heart animals humans scare me)
Ok nerd don't talk to me
Look cute and stay there

Pic a color

Pic a color
Hot and sexy is my fav
Anything cute and girlish

Almost done

Almost done
Ok bye.....
Bye human
Gtg I'm calling my friends
Bye looking at wiki how's on how to be cute

Do you like humans

Do you like humans
No way they scare me
Yes only if they are popular
Only if they are cute