Girl Power Quiz

Are you curious to find out which type of empowered female you are? Take this quiz to discover which powerful female identity resonates with you the most!

published on May 17, 20232 responses 1
Girl Power Quiz
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Do you prefer to work independently or in teams?

Do you prefer to work independently or in teams?
In teams

Do you prefer to focus on short-term goals or long-term goals?

Do you prefer to focus on short-term goals or long-term goals?
Long-term goals
Short-term goals

Do you prefer structured and organized approach to things or more freeform and independent?

Do you prefer structured and organized approach to things or more freeform and independent?
Freeform and independent
Structured and organized approach

When faced with a difficult task, do you prefer to tackle it on your own or find a mentor to guide you?

When faced with a difficult task, do you prefer to tackle it on your own or find a mentor to guide you?
Tackle it on my own
Find a mentor

Do you prefer a 'wing it' mindset or more of a measured and calculated approach?

Do you prefer a 'wing it' mindset or more of a measured and calculated approach?
Measured and calculated
Wing it

Do you prefer to work on a variety of things or focus on one thing at a time?

Variety of things
One thing at a time

Do you prefer to aim for tangible and tangible results or intangibles and abstract goals?

Do you prefer to aim for tangible and tangible results or intangibles and abstract goals?
Intangibles and abstract goals
Tangible results

Do you prefer the company of a few select people or a wider group of acquaintances?

Do you prefer the company of a few select people or a wider group of acquaintances?
Wider group of acquaintances
Few select people

Do you prefer tackling problems yourself or finding help to answer questions?

Do you prefer tackling problems yourself or finding help to answer questions?
Finding help to answer questions
Tackle problems myself

Do you value taking risks or playing it safe?

Do you value taking risks or playing it safe?
Play it safe
Take risks