What kind of boy would you date?

What kind of boy would you date?

What kind of boy would be best with you? Comment who you get. BTW I'm just going off of what I know this is not accurate.

published on November 30, 202016 responses 6
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What do you like to do for your free time?

What do you like to do for your free time?
Listen to music or draw
Chill and cuddle with my bf
Hang out with friends.
Go to games or a party

What music do you listen to?

What music do you listen to?
Punk Rock
Anything asking as I can Vibe to it.

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?
Like the whole school
Some but not alot 1-4
My homies 4-9
My parties Bros 5-10
3-7 they are like my brothers/sisters

What do you like to ware?


What does your Ideal boyfriend where?


What would you want your date to be like?

What would you want your date to be like?
Go to a sports game
Go to a house party
Hang out with friends
Go to a concert
Chill and watch movies

can he hanging around other girls?

can he hanging around other girls?
Yeah as long as they aren't to touchy
Yeah most of the girls that he hangs out with are my friends
Yeah of course
He does even if I ask him not to
Yeah I guess

what kind of animal would you have with him?

what kind of animal would you have with him?
Cats and even more cats.
some cats or dogs.
maybe a cat or a fish
a dog but a small one
a big "mean" pitbull
No animals