Discover Your Inner Luke Skywalker

Discover Your Inner Luke Skywalker

Take this quiz to find out which side of the Force you truly belong to!

published on September 03, 20231 response 0
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You find a lost droid. What do you do?

You find a lost droid. What do you do?
Keep it as a companion
Ignore it and continue on your way
Sell it for profit
Return it to its owner

In a tight situation, how do you react?

In a tight situation, how do you react?
Try to negotiate a peaceful solution
Take advantage of the chaos to achieve your goals
Face it head-on with bravery
Look for a way to escape

What is your view on the Jedi Order?

What is your view on the Jedi Order?
I believe in their teachings and want to become a Jedi
I think they have good intentions, but they are arrogant
I value their guidance, but question some of their rules
I don't trust them, they only serve their own interests

What is your motivation for fighting against the Dark Side?

What is your motivation for fighting against the Dark Side?
To support your allies and maintain stability in the galaxy
To gain power and control over others
To bring balance to the Force and protect the innocent
To prove your worth and show your independence

How do you handle failure?

How do you handle failure?
Learn from it and use it to become stronger
Blame others for your mistakes
Reflect on your actions and find a new path
Seek advice and support from trusted friends

What is your preferred weapon in battle?

What is your preferred weapon in battle?
Force powers

You discover a corrupt politician. What do you do?

You discover a corrupt politician. What do you do?
Use their corruption to your advantage
Support their agenda if it benefits you
Expose their corruption and fight for justice
Stay away and let others deal with it

How do you feel about taking risks?

How do you feel about taking risks?
I take risks only if they benefit me
I embrace risks, it's the only way to achieve greatness
Risks should be carefully calculated
I prefer to avoid unnecessary risks

What is your preferred method of transportation?

What is your preferred method of transportation?
Force levitation
Speeder bike

How do you handle conflict with others?

How do you handle conflict with others?
Use force if necessary
Distance yourself from the conflict
Seek a peaceful resolution
Support your allies no matter what

What is your ultimate goal?

What is your ultimate goal?
To explore and experience new things
To bring peace and harmony to the galaxy
To protect and serve your loved ones
To gain power and control over others