The Flintstones Quiz

Take this quiz to see which of the classic Flintstones characters best matches your personality!

published on May 09, 20230 responses 0
The Flintstones Quiz
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What type of activity would you most enjoy on a Saturday?

What type of activity would you most enjoy on a Saturday?
Going for a Picnic
Playing with Dino
Going Bowling

What would you do if you found a genie in a bottle?

What would you do if you found a genie in a bottle?
Immediately Wish for Money
Wish for a Better Social Life
Wish to Make the World a Better Place

Where would you choose to go on vacation?

Where would you choose to go on vacation?
The Caribbean
A Bedrock Roadtrip
The Hyatt in Vegas

What type of music do you usually listen to?

What type of music do you usually listen to?
Hip Hop or Blues
Jazz or Rock n' Roll
Classical or Pop

Who would you choose do to a duet with?

Who would you choose do to a duet with?
The Great Gazoo
Bamm Bamm

What would you do with a bonus of money?

What would you do with a bonus of money?
Throw a Huge Party
Go on a Shopping Spree
Invest in a Home Improvement

What do you do if you made a mistake?

What do you do if you made a mistake?
Learn a Valuable Lesson
Find a Way to Laugh it Off
Time to go Back to Work Harder

What is the best occupation for you?

What is the best occupation for you?
Building & Demolition Work
Fashion or Interior Designer
Teacher or Social Worker

How do you deal with a disagreement?

How do you deal with a disagreement?
Compromise & Understand
Try to Fix the Problem
Find a Funny Way to Resolve It

What is the best quality of a friend?

What is the best quality of a friend?
Funny & Positive
Honest & Supportive
Reliable & Loyal