if u were a choc bar what choc bar wld u b?

if u were a choc bar what choc bar wld u b?

do u love choc? have u always had a secret stash of sweets and choc? well heres the chance u've been waiting for! take this quiz 2 find out what kinda choc or sweet u wld be if u were one!

published on January 09, 201333 responses 15
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are you fizzy?

why yes I happen to be quite fizz fizz
oh no no no I don't like fizz it's like a volcano (shivers)
i might be i dunno rlly

Are u crunch crunch crunchy?

hmm yes I guess so
no no infact I'm the total opposite
I dunno

Do you happen to be colourful?

yes very B)
oh no no defiantly not im quite offended coz u said it like it was a good thing (sulks)
maybe maybe not

have you ever had a dream you were flying?

Yes it was quite strange actually
no way only morons dream
hmm i dunno i dont normall remember my dreams

overall what do u think you shld be?

cola bottle
gummy bear
chocolate fountain