What kind of kiss should you get from Andy Biersack

What kind of kiss should you get from Andy Biersack

Take this quiz it will have you blushing like crazy so enjoy and comment also plzz follow I follow back

published on December 30, 201284 responses 13
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Do you like Andy

Do you like Andy
What do mean like I LOVE him
Yea we are getting married
Not really I don't listen to his music that much

What do you do if Andy kisses you

Go with it
Stop and blush
let him put his tounge in
stop and smille

What kinda kisser would you say you are

What kinda kisser would you say you are
French Kisser
Cheek Kisser
Neck kisser (but you get it from the guy)

What do you do if he is blushing and you too

What do you do if he is blushing and you too
Tell him you love him
Kiss him
Touch him
Give him the LOOK if ya know what I mean

What do you wanna get

French kiss
Quick lip kiss
Neck kiss
cheek kiss