How Comedic Are You?

How Comedic Are You?

Take this quiz to see if people think you're funny or just flat out annoying.

published on March 18, 201911 responses 4
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You are invited to a party and you see the usual group of people you hang out with. What do you do?

You are invited to a party and you see the usual group of people you hang out with. What do you do?
Go over and start chatting with them and share a few laughs
Ask if anyone's seen the newest Saturday Night Live skit and start acting out the funniest scenes
Why would I even go to a party? I have a test tomorrow!
Sulk in a corner and avoid all contact with humans

Your best friend just broke up with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. What do you do?

Your best friend just broke up with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. What do you do?
Morn with them
Sit with them and try to cheer them up by asking them out for ice cream
You avoid them, you don't want to hurt their feelings anymore by saying something wrong
Tell them their favorite jokes because seeing them laugh is all you could ask for

You're bored and want to post something on Instagram. What do you post?

You're bored and want to post something on Instagram. What do you post?
"100% ready for our finals! I pulled an all-nighter and everything!"
A picture of you and your best friend at the beach from this weekend
A Big Chungus meme
Nothing. You don't have a social life

You're going to ask your crush to prom! How do you ask them?

You're going to ask your crush to prom! How do you ask them?
Me?? Asking my crush to prom?? I don't think so!!
Get a flash mob together with your friends and dance to a cute couple song (even though you suck at dancing)
Leave a note in their locker
Offer them a stuffed animal or flowers and ask them

Your texting in a group chat with some friends. What do you do?

Your texting in a group chat with some friends. What do you do?
Nothing. You just watch the messages scroll by and people chat
Send a relatable cat meme
You ask if anyone has done the history homework yet and if not, do they need help?
You engage in the conversation and throw in the occasional "laughing-so-hard-I'm-crying" emoji

You're doing a science fair project. What is your topic?

You're doing a science fair project. What is your topic?
The effect of laughing on your hormones
A volcano made of baking soda and vinegar because you were forced to do this
The effect of music on plant growth
How air pressure and sound waves are related

Of the choices here, which would be your dream job?

Of the choices here, which would be your dream job?
An actress
A CEO of a company
An animal boarding facility employee
A grocery store employee because it's easy money

Of the choices, which musical artist do you like best?

Of the choices, which musical artist do you like best?
Fall Out Boy
Cody Simpson

You get up in the morning and need to pick out an outfit to wear to school. What do you choose?

You get up in the morning and need to pick out an outfit to wear to school. What do you choose?
A black hoodie and baggy cargo shorts
Something bright and/or something that flows
A graphic T-shirt and jeans
A neat top and black business pants

What did you think? (Your response does tell what kind of a person you are)

What did you think? (Your response does tell what kind of a person you are)
Ummm, what kind of question is this?
Don't talk to me
I really liked it! :)