What Pokemon starter are you? (Kanto)

This quiz tells you what Kanto pokemon starter you are most like. Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle.

published on November 20, 201266 responses 20
What Pokemon starter are you? (Kanto)
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First of all. What is your favourite type?

First of all. What is your favourite type?

Would you stand up to a bully even though you know they're stronger than you?

Would you stand up to a bully even though you know they're stronger than you?
Yes, of course.
I don't know. Maybe.
Probably not...

Would you rather live in a forest, near a volcano or in the sea?

Would you rather live in a forest, near a volcano or in the sea?
The sea.
The forest.
A volcano.

Someone steals your food, what do you do?

Someone steals your food, what do you do?
Rage at them and tell them to give it you back.
Calmly ask for it back.
Ask for it back coolly.

Do you have lots of friends?

Do you have lots of friends?
Yes. I'm quite popular.
Not many to be honest.
One or two close friends.

Which would you rather do?

Which would you rather do?
Just Relax.
Go for a walk.
Hang out with friends.