What kind of person are you? (5) nice,sweet,goth,crazy,scary,ugly,hot. Find out with this quiz! So take it right now!NOW! I SAID TAKE THE QUIZ! xskrillexcreeperx3 published on August 23, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What do you think you are? AWESOME!!! Hehehe...HAHA...heh heh he... Derrr... goth I'm SSOOO nice and pretty. Way prettier than you Tom Girl/boy Im...Nothing... 2/5 Whats your favorite color? PINK!!! or PURPLE!!!<3 Idk Anything dark.OOOHHH and I love green and blue there cool. other Black is my world. All of the colors None they all suck 3/5 Is this true or false to you? "True friends are hard to find harder to leave and impossible to forget." SOOO TRUE!!! I love my BFF! ...FALSE!!!... -_- I'm outta here. Sometimes but not always. OH YA yes its true but i have no friends so it does not work with me 4/5 How many friends do you have? 1-6 Um... 0-1 NONE. LEAVE ME ALONE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU!!! more than i can count. 1-2 Can I go now 1-100 5/5 How many Boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had? 0 I've never had one but I've had crushes. 1-2 1-3 Tons... 0-1 NONE!!!HERE COMES MY FIST!!