What does your teachers think of you?

What does your teachers think of you?

Complete the quiz and you will find out what your teachers think of you!

published on July 27, 2012157 responses 26
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You are late. How do you come into the class?

You knock the door first. You tell your teacher why you
are late and ask if you can take a seat.
You just come in and sit down . And talk with your

You've lost your pen. What do you do?

You politely ask your teacher to lend you a pen for a lesson.
You just sit down and wait till the teacher gives it to you. It's her problems!

Your teacher asks you to stay after lesson to help her clean the whiteboard.What would you say?

Of course! Should I help you clean desks and a carpet too?

You were told to get out of class. What would you say to the teacher?

You are evil!
Just go out of class!

End of the day. What do you do?

Say good bye to the teacher and go out of class properly.
Run out of the class as quick as possible.