Which 2012 Dark Shadows character are you?

This personality quiz will tell you which one of Tim Burton's:Dark Shadows characters you share personalities with.

published on July 09, 201256 responses 14
Which 2012 Dark Shadows character are you?
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Which best describes you?

A leader
A rebel

What is the biggest problem in the world?

Deadbeat relatives
Parents who just don't understand
People who won't love you back

What's your biggest fear?

Losing your beauty
Having no money
Your family falling apart

What is your general mode of transportation?

Sports car
I can't wait for my liscense!

Where do you want to live?

Somewhere without your family
New York
Not old enough to live on my own
Stay in your lovely home

What are your hobbies?

Finding out a person's deep, dark secrets
Chatting with the dead
Hitting on younger women
Playing with toys
Listening to music
Making others suffer

When you first meet someone you...

Charm them or weird them out
Find out how much money they have
Never tell them your real name
Ask many personal questions
Make sure your family will be safe around them
Find out how you can use them to your advantage

What is your form of exercise?

Running from responsibility
Running from the past
Walking around your lovely home
I'm beautiful, I don't need exercise
Pushing someone's buttons

Which character would you marry/date/hang out with and why?

Barnabas Collins; I want him
Barnabas Collins; he is understanding and is caring
Victoria Winters; she is younger than me and beautiful
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; has a strong love for family as well as me
Barnabas Collins; may not believe me, but understands me
Josette duPres; beautiful, caring, understanding

What do you think others think of you?

I'm weird
I can be a bit mean
I'm a jerk
I'm different than most kids
I had a troubled past, but people think I'm smarter than I should be

Which character are you most afraid of and why?

Angelique Bouchard;she's a WITCH
Barnabas Collins; he's a VAMPIRE
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; she has a shotgun
Dr. Julia Hoffman; may be drunk or can hypnotize me
Carolyn Stoddard; she's a WEREWOLF