Discover Your Soft Color Persona

Take this quiz to find out which soft color temperament reflects your personality. Your results will help you know yourself better, who knows you may discover a more tender side of yourself!

published on April 16, 20233 responses 0
Discover Your Soft Color Persona
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How would you prefer to spend your weekend?

How would you prefer to spend your weekend?
Exploring a new city.
Painting or coding.
Organizing a party for my friends.
Dozing in my bedroom.
Spending time alone in nature.

How would you rate your mental fortitude?

How would you rate your mental fortitude?
I'm observant and intuitive.
I'm ordered and self-disciplined.
I'm a continuous learner.
I'm creative and think out-of-the-box.
I'm resilient and go with the flow.

How would you prefer a getaway?

Shopping groceries for making a homey cooking.
Gazing at cityscapes with several museums visits.
Sitting in a park for a peaceful hour.
Walking trails for sightseeing nature.
Hiking the hills to look for beautiful views.

What comes to your mind when you think of relaxation?

What comes to your mind when you think of relaxation?
Taking a city tour with an avid photographer.
Circulating peaceful scent candles with soft music.
Sipping by a creek with a book of poems.
Laying in a hammock with the sun shining over.
Eating delicious food and laughing with friends.

how would you describe yourself as a person?

how would you describe yourself as a person?
Curious and like to discover true unknown stories.
Easygoing and like to take things as they come.
Imaginative and like to explore the unknown.
Cheerful and like to be surrounded by people.
Calm and like to exist in peaceful surroundings.

What motivates you most?

What motivates you most?
Creating and imagining stuff that brings new meaning.
Having control over external and internal environments.
Seeing growth in people and experiencing joy.
Harmonizing and achieving balance among others.
Investigating and going on an adventure.

What would you do when you see something that you don't understand?

What would you do when you see something that you don't understand?
Cheer up and make a positive comment about it.
Brainstorm ways to make sense of it.
Look for an objective point-of-view about it.
Collect knowledge from it and create new ideas.
Wait and observe before taking any action.

How do you react when making conversations?

How do you react when making conversations?
Initiative and provide responses promptly.
Listen and grasp the real feelings behind words.
Reserved and take some time to express opinions.
Enthusiastic and share stories in an artistic way.
Reactive and proactively ask questions.

What distracts you most?

What distracts you most?
Conflicting opinions and unexpected changes.
Amusing people telling and quick movements.
Unnecessary details and little significant matters.
Another's attention grabbing and lack of innovation.
Mundane tasks and lack of exploration.

How do you prefer to deal with conflicts?

Analyze it from my own perspective.
Calm down and work things through carefully.
Run away and let it cool off.
Wait until it resolves itself.
Find a solution both of us would accept.

If you were given a month-long travel, how would you make it?

If you were given a month-long travel, how would you make it?
Indulge in artistic activities and attractions.
Take plenty of rest and explore nature.
Explore cities and search hidden knowledge.
Go to several countries and take it slow.
Visit places with friends and take pictures.

What appeal to you the most in life?

What appeal to you the most in life?
Exploration and discovery.
Innovation and fresh experiences.
Joyful memories and enjoyable relationships.
Simplicity and tranquility.
Peacefulness and balance in life.

Where do you look for inspiration?

Where do you look for inspiration?
Observing situations, objects, and people.
Researching new things and exploring places.
Listening to music and reading inspirational quotes.
Listening to environment and anything around.
Talking with close friends and family.