Which Divergent Faction do You belong in? (1)

Which Divergent Faction do You belong in? (1)

Are you a selfless Abnegation? A peaceful Amity? An honest Candor? A brave Dauntless? Or a smart Erudite? Discover what Faction you would belong in! This quiz includes Divergent, but not just as a result; you could get Candor and Amity, for example. Or Erudite and Dauntless. Hope you like it!

published on May 28, 201580 responses 34
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Have you taken a Divergent Aptitude Test before? If so, what was your result?

Have you taken a Divergent Aptitude Test before? If so, what was your result?
I haven't taken a Test before

Which of these acronyms do you use the most?

Which of these acronyms do you use the most?
WBU (What about you?)
LOL (Laugh out loud)
TBH (To be honest)
YOLO (You only live once)
FYI (For your information)

Which of these extra-curricular school subjects are you most likely to join? (let's assume that they are all available at your school)

Which of these extra-curricular school subjects are you most likely to join? (let's assume that they are all available at your school)
Organizing a project to feed the hungry people in your area (or across the world)
Music, art, or cooking classes of some kind.
A debate class with advanced truth rings; they'll vibrate if they catch you lying!
A group that gives you free entrance to theme parks and such; but you have to ride all of the scariest rides!
A science class that gives you anything you might need to invent something.

Which of these Manifesto quotes do you most agree with?

Which of these Manifesto quotes do you most agree with?
"I will war with others
If I refuse to see them."
"A Daughter says to her Father: '... My friend... lied about me.'
'... Did your friend's words change who you are?'
'Then do not be angry. The opinions of others can not change you.'"
"...we are free to expose our dark secrets because we know the dark secrets of our neighbors, our friends, our spouses, our
children, our parents, and our enemies. We know that while we are flawed in a unique way, we are not unique because we
are flawed. Therefore we can be authentic. We have no suspicions. And we are at peace with those around us."
"We believe in acknowledging fear and the extent to which it rules us.
We believe in facing that fear no matter what the cost to our comfort, our happiness, or even our sanity.
We believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves."
"'Ignorance' is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding.
Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people with differences.
Disconnection among people with differences leads to conflict.
Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict."

Which of these words best describes you?

Which of these words best describes you?

If you had to eat one of these meals for the rest of your life, which would it be?

If you had to eat one of these meals for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Canned food (any kind, as long as it's canned!)
Steak or ribs with a side of a vegetable of your choice
White rice, black olives, and some sort of meat.
Hamburgers and an occasional slice of chocolate cake (served on days like Aptitude Test Day, Choosing Day, Initiation
Passing Day, etc.)
A perfectly healthy and balanced meal that's made to fit you specifically; no sweets EVER

If you had to wear one of these outfits for the rest of your life, which would it be? (girls)

If you had to wear one of these outfits for the rest of your life, which would it be? (girls)
A grey jacket and long grey dress, with my hair up and covered. I don't want to stand out.
A pretty red t-shirt with some sequins and a light yellow skirt that falls down to your ankles.
A white blouse and black jeans.
A black tank top and black leggings.
A professional-looking blue top and skirt.
I'm a boy.

If you had to wear one of these outfits for the rest of your life, which would it be? (boys)

If you had to wear one of these outfits for the rest of your life, which would it be? (boys)
A grey top, jacket, and pants.
A yellow or red t-shirt and dark red pants.
A white long-sleeve business suit top, black tie, and black pants.
Black top and black pants.
Professional-looking blue business suit top and jeans.
I'm a girl.

Which of these serums do you think is the most useful?

Which of these serums do you think is the most useful?
Memory Serum.
Peace Serum.
Truth Serum.
Simulation Serum.
Death Serum.

Which way are you most likely to greet someone?

Which way are you most likely to greet someone?
Nod my head a little.
Shake hands.
Fist bump!

What do you blame for most of the big issues in the world?

What do you blame for most of the big issues in the world?
Petty arguments and aggression between rulers

Which of these accessories are you most likely to wear?

Which of these accessories are you most likely to wear?
I don't care about accessories.
A friendship bracelet or charm bracelet.
A black and/or white stone necklace.
Piercings and/or tattoos.