What country are you

Ireland, America, England, Japan, Iraq

published on August 30, 201077 responses 21
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What sounds like you

When it comes to drinking only a few can out do me
Eww gross
When it comes to drinking at a party I am the tank
I only drink to feel good
I drink to attempt suicide

What sounds like you

I never start a fight, almost never lost
I don't fight unless we take turns with the hits
I like to be drunk when I fight
If I am going to fight I try to be their friend untill they let their guard down
I don't fight I kill

What sounds like you

I dont care much about class
If you don't have class you are nothing
Who needs class
I somewhat care about class
I kill those who have class

what sounds like you

When disagreeing with someone I try to negotiate with good people
When disagreeing with someone I try to make them agree with me
When disagreeing with someone I give in a lot
When disagreeing with someone I negotiate with anyone
When disagreeing with someone I try destroying them

What sounds like you

Persueing your dreams is the most important part of life
Money, fame, and beauty is the most important part of life
Living a simple life with a happy family is the most important part of life
Being ahead is the most important part of life
Having control is the most important part of life

If you had a child you would teach:

Good morals, right from wrong, and how to be strong
Good morals, right from wrong, and high class
Good morals, right from wrong, how to get drunk
Good morals, right from wrong, and where to get a job
worship Alah or the animals, how to use guns, how to strap bombs