what build a bear is right for you

what build a bear is right for you

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssss the most famous amazing cool place to get a furry friend*BUILD A BEAR*

published on May 21, 201223 responses 5
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describe yourself

describe yourself
sweet fashoinable cute
bff sweet cool
sweet amazing spring girl
sweet cute
loyal cute

whats your fashoin sense

whats your fashoin sense
pretty stylish the best
cool bff style pretty
colorful spring style
cute kinda stylish
cute well em i guess sorta stylish

whats your hobbies

whats your hobbies
hanging out with my friends
having fun swimming being outside
being cute being sweet having everbody love me
being loyal being cute

who do you like hanging out with

who do you like hanging out with
stylish people like me
uh.. duh hello my friends
people who are colorful like me and like colorful things like me
people who are cute like me
people who are loyal like me and who are loyal to me

what do you do with your friends

what do you do with your friends
sing act be the best and ofcourse give fashoin advice
just hang out
go swimming and do some garding
me and my friends just like to be cute
help out other people and when we are done go to the beach or play

your friend wants to go swimming and you dont what do you do

your friend wants to go swimming and you dont what do you do
go swimming what my friends would never rouin thier makeup with water and neither would i
i would probably think of a way we could do both subjects
i love swimming so i would always say yes cause it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun
well em i dont know i dont mind swimming but im not the best swimmer
yay i love swimming

what do you like to drink

what do you like to drink
fancy drinks(imported)
anything everythings wonderful
spring drinks cold with ice yum
juce cola your avrige drinks
yummy yummy evrything