What do people think of you (girls only) Here is another quiz this is after what people think of you girl edition i hope you like it! :) anonymous-user-9a1pPc published on October 24, 2014 Stacked 1/12 How are you? Taco? Good, how are you? o-ok AWESOME ... fine I don't give no crap 2/12 Lets begin! Whatever ... Lets go! Sure YAYAYAY Yes my darlin 3/12 Whats your favorite color? Yello Pink (sings) Sparklez! Blue, Black Green RED, death, murder, oh what was the question 4/12 Are you crushing? Mabye n-no Yes hes soo cute and sweet an... Naw im a loner on this one Duhh but hes my Bf hes the quarterback and hot and... All the boys prefer to molest or be an ass to me 5/12 What do you prefer to wear? Tight shirts SHORT shorts earrings makeup, Bla bla bla Anything that makes me invisable Dresses and long socks and those cute little belt buckles UNICORN FUR Grey and white clothes and a bow tie Black black OH and black 6/12 Random- Which cabin are you in? Ares Hades Aphrodite Apollo uhh... what? Posiden 7/12 Favorite food? any type of meat STEAK Salad Pears and salad Any thing poison Stuff 8/12 Are you a hottie? HEll yeah biatch Unicorns are No Yess I wish not Duhh 9/12 Do you like bullying? No (sobs) Yeah i do it to people Not really Not at all... Does a mango have chicken!? Never 10/12 Almost done Aww Ok Really? YES waste of time Sorry to hear Ok ima go skydive now 11/12 Last - Would you stand up for a friend if they where being hurt in any way? Yea No im the one hurting them duhh YERS Only if i have to Maybe depends Of course 12/12 Good bye! Chicken! (waves) Awww Bye... Later dude ... F u im out