Which Black Butler character likes you?

Which Black Butler character likes you?

Me: I got bored . . . So I brought in Alios, Ciel, Claude, Sebastian, Grell, and Undertaker . . . Enjoy . . . Alios: Don't worry, Lily will be joining us! *smiles.* Me: No! Alios: Yes!

published on December 21, 2015220 responses 32
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Me: Okay then-
Alios: Please can I ask question please, Lily? :3
Me: Fine . . .
Alios: Who am I?
Me: *face palms.*
Ciel: Really?

Me: Okay then- Alios: Please can I ask question please, Lily? :3 Me: Fine . . . Alios: Who am I? Me: *face palms.* Ciel: Really?
King of Booty Shorts, duh
Probably be my lord-er, highness
Alios Trancy
A next one to be in a coffin
A annoying master, poor Claude
Your Alios Trancy, also known as King of Booty Shorts?

Alios: *looks confused at you when Ciel pushed him out of the way.*
Ciel: Okay, what do you think of tea?

Alios: *looks confused at you when Ciel pushed him out of the way.* Ciel: Okay, what do you think of tea?
Tea. Is. LIFE.
Teas isn't bad, just depends on what tea excactly
I don't really drink tea
What's tea?
Not sure
Not very fond of tea

Me: *makes Ciel and Alios sit down, giving Alios some cookies and Ciel his tea.* Okay, Claude, ask next question . . .
Claude: Freebie . . . *pushes glasses up a bit.*

Me: *makes Ciel and Alios sit down, giving Alios some cookies and Ciel his tea.* Okay, Claude, ask next question . . . Claude: Freebie . . . *pushes glasses up a bit.*
Ciel Phantomhive
Alios Trancy
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelas

Claude: *nods a bit.*
Me: Sebastian . . . *looks at him.*
Sebastian: *bows a bit at me, then look at you.* Which one of us do you like best?

Claude: *nods a bit.* Me: Sebastian . . . *looks at him.* Sebastian: *bows a bit at me, then look at you.* Which one of us do you like best?
Alios is amazing!
Ciel is pretty cool
Undertaker is creepy, but cute also
Claude is a good butler that I would want to have
Lily seems shy, but sweet too
Sebastian is pretty bad*ss
Grell is awesome! With his chainsaw!

Sebastian: *nods a bit.*
Me: Grell-
Grell: What is our favorite color?
Me: Grell!
Grell: What else do you want me to ask then?
Me: Um . . .
Grell: Exactly.

Sebastian: *nods a bit.* Me: Grell- Grell: What is our favorite color? Me: Grell! Grell: What else do you want me to ask then? Me: Um . . . Grell: Exactly.
Grey, or silver

Me: Undertaker . . .
Undertaker: *smiles at me, then looks at you.* What do you think life is exactly?

Me: Undertaker . . . Undertaker: *smiles at me, then looks at you.* What do you think life is exactly?
Life is life
Not sure, can't remember life
Life is just liiving
*frowns.* Not sure
There is life and death either way
Life is living, death is not living anymore

Me: Um . . . Well, last question . . . Then we have to get going . . .
Boys: Aww. :(
Me: Weapon of choice? . . .

Me: Um . . . Well, last question . . . Then we have to get going . . . Boys: Aww. :( Me: Weapon of choice? . . .
Meh, anything useful to kill
Anything I guess

Me: *waves.*
Sebastian: *bows a bit.*
Claude: *pushes up glasses.*
Grell: *smiling while waving.*
Undertaker: *smiles, folding hands.*
Alios: *does peace sign.*
Ciel: *nods a bit.*

See ya
*nods a bit.*
Bye, guys, it was nice meeting you
Have a great day!