What physical qualities (in the opposite sex) make you MELT? Let's create a composite of your physical taste.. Only Girls here...I'm preparing one for Boys too! MehaRima published on August 05, 2016 Stacked 1/17 . Click on the physical quality you find the most exciting in men... Sensuos Rugged 2/17 :>it's Weird i know:Just out of curiosity-"How was it?" Please tell Honestly.It will help me improveCHILL Just asking:) U will leave a review on it/star it chat with me/follow me<i follow back> 3/17 .How u relate to this one:"I know he really loves me because --" he has confided in me/people say he's clever he laughs boisterously/so comfortable that he wants to open a joint checking account 4/17 .Are any of your favorite TV stars, movie celebrities, or musical artists average or homely in appearance? Yes/only a handful No 5/17 Click on the physical quality you find the most exciting in men... Cute Handsome 6/17 .When talking to the opposite sex, does your heart ever skip a beat? yes, it's cardiac /natural no, too much control for that 7/17 Li'l personal.Do you fantasize a lot about the opposite sex? Yeah....sort of No....can't say 8/17 .Does hearing a masculine voice delight you? I love hearing a masculine voicea oh, please...it's just a SOUND!/ Never really thought of it 9/17 .Have you ever been swept off your feet, only to discover that he was not very nice? many times a few times / rarely or never 10/17 .Have you (for example) thought alike:-The Statement- "I sometimes have overwhelming desires for the opposite sex". I mean, really...overwhelming. Yeah...many a times nope / I feel a twinge occasionally 11/17 Choose what u think of this:-".Beautiful or handsome people are usually the most talented". agree disagree 12/17 Click on the physical quality you find the most exciting in men... big and strong slim or medium 13/17 Did the same thought ever crossed your mind, like this:-".My Crush turns me on, but is not my best friend." true to an extent He is neither handsome nor beautiful 14/17 Now,.Let's check your thermometer.TO FIND OUT :" What makes your temperature rise?" the way a guy walks the way a guy smiles 15/17 .Suppose you received a personal letter addressed to you. What type of envelope would you prefer? one that's legible and handwritten one that's neatly typed / one that's scented or tinted in color 16/17 .Do your hopes about this person often soar, then plummet (The Roller Coaster Effect)? sometimes/rarely frequently 17/17 Hey!i forgot to ask- What is your favorite color? Dark/Bold shades Light/Calm shades