Flintstones Personality Test

Find out which 'Flintstones' character you are most like with this fun personality test!

published on June 03, 20230 responses 0
Flintstones Personality Test
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What is your favorite activity?

What is your favorite activity?
Shopping and organizing
Chasing after wild animals
Laughing with friends
Taking care of business

What do you prefer to eat?

What do you prefer to eat?
Smiling potatoes
Salads and fruits
Hamburgers and colas
Fish and nuts

What kind of vehicle do you prefer to drive?

What kind of vehicle do you prefer to drive?
Powered by your feet
Trailer pulled by a dino
Prehistoric car
Prehistoric scooter

What is your occupation?

What is your occupation?
Construction worker
Ecommerce entrepreneur

What would you do on your day off?

What would you do on your day off?
Go bowling
Make cookies
Gather dinosaur eggs
Go shopping

What do you prefer to wear?

What do you prefer to wear?
Comfy clothes
Animal skin
Sarong and flip flops
Tailored outfits

Where would you like to visit?

Where would you like to visit?
The drive-in movie
The Water Park
The Spa and Hair Salon
The Pearl Soapery

What do you think is the best way to deal with troubles?

What do you think is the best way to deal with troubles?
Find a solution by yourself
Laugh and don't worry too much
Stay calm and evaluate the situation
Think it through and take action

What do you usually do when you have free time?

What do you usually do when you have free time?
Read books and plan for the future
Go fishing on a long bridge
Play golf with my friends
Go for a relaxing walk

What kind of music do you like?

What kind of music do you like?
Relaxing piano music
Jazz music
Caveman grunge
Foot stomping Rock N' Roll

Which age group do you feel a connection to?

Which age group do you feel a connection to?
Mid-age and wise
Young adults and hopeful
Young and adventurous
Adults and experienced