What Minecraft Job Would You be?

Are you a miner, or a guard? The original quiz for planning servers and finding out what to be.

published on October 15, 201196 responses 25
What Minecraft Job Would You be?
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What mode do you use?

I use normal, always some fun having the excitment and scary feeling of running into monsters while mining.
I like easy, a few mobs are okay for getting bones to tame dogs, but creepers give me the shivers.
I adore hard, I can fight anything from creepers to zombies with a slash from my sword.
I like peaceful, so no monsters deystroy my awesome castle.

What is your favorite block/tool/item?

What is your favorite block/tool/item?
A DIAMOND pickaxe!!! XD
I'm torn between seeds and roasted chicken.
Two words, the sword.
The brick, *sigh*. Just thinking about it makes me want to build.

What mob is your least favorite?

What mob is your least favorite?
Cave spiders! Augh.
I HATE creepers.
I can never find enderman, it make me sick.
I can't build with skeletons buging me.

What is your quote?

I mine anywhere, anytime!
Count on me for seeds and things!
I'll fight any monster!
Anyone want a house?

What would you do if a creeper came?

I would mine into another mine through the walls the instant I saw it
I would run to the hills.
Bet it in a sword fight.
Quickly put down tnt.