Would Espio date you?

Would Espio date you?

I know I said I would be doing one of these for the guys out there but its harder then it looks. So i'm sorry guys but this one is another on for the girl. I have now done a quiz for every single boy in my wwffy next I will be doing villans. Also comment if you want me to do someone esle I haven't done yet. Ok, enjoy!

published on April 17, 2014159 responses 62
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Sapphire: Hello!
Espio: Greetings
Sapphire: Welcome to my quiz! Ok first question! Whats your favourite colour?

Sapphire: Hello! Espio: Greetings Sapphire: Welcome to my quiz! Ok first question! Whats your favourite colour?
Yellow! Or mabye gold now and again...
Anything bright and big!
Purple! And pink sometimes!
Black, black, black...and sometimes very very dark grey

Sapphire: Ok and the next question-
Espio: But it's my turn to ask a question
Sapphire: Ok, go ahead!
Espio: If you had a weapon what would it be?

Sapphire: Ok and the next question- Espio: But it's my turn to ask a question Sapphire: Ok, go ahead! Espio: If you had a weapon what would it be?
I don't really fight but if I had to i'd use my fists and words
A sword or bow and arrow
Anything thats close to me!
Any type of gun 8D

Sapphire: If you had to work, in what environment would you be best for you?

Sapphire: If you had to work, in what environment would you be best for you?
I like working in teams of two
Big groups!
Small groups, Like 3, 4 and 5 as the maxiam
I work alone. I don't need soome snobby people telling me what to do

Espio: When you get bored what do you normaly do to entertain yorself
Sapphire: I go on Qfeast or my kindle ^.^

Espio: When you get bored what do you normaly do to entertain yorself Sapphire: I go on Qfeast or my kindle ^.^
I go on qfeast too! But I also like to go out, take walks, explore and hang out with friends!
I go on qfeast too! But I also like to draw, paint and do anything artsy
I go on qfeast too! But I also like to rest, sleep, play games on computer and etc
I go on qfeast too! But I also like to plot ways to kill Espio and the Sonic gang! >:D

Sapphire: What result do you hope to get?
Espio: -_-
Sapphire: What?
Espio: Thats so origanal
Sapphire: Its better then the clolour question!
Espio: Whats wrong with that question anyway?
Sapphire: *shrugs*

Sapphire: What result do you hope to get? Espio: -_- Sapphire: What? Espio: Thats so origanal Sapphire: Its better then the clolour question! Espio: Whats wrong with that question anyway? Sapphire: *shrugs*
I hope he...loves me *blushes*
I hope we are friends
Twins! That would be great!
I hope he hates me as much as I hate him!

Espio: Heres a real question!
Sapphire: -_-
Espio: If someone at school was getting bullied and you saw and wanted to stop them what would you do?

Espio: Heres a real question! Sapphire: -_- Espio: If someone at school was getting bullied and you saw and wanted to stop them what would you do?
I would go tell a teacher or adult. Thats what they always tell you to do when you see bullying.
I would tell the bully to stop and if he says no then I would punch his face XD That would teach him/her!
I would stick up for the little kid
I wouldn't help out, it their problem not ours!

Sapphire: Ok I hoped you liked! Peace out!
Espio: Goodbye!

Sapphire: Ok I hoped you liked! Peace out! Espio: Goodbye!
See ya!
Goodbye to you too!
*Walks away*