What kind of disert are you?

What kind of disert are you?

Find out what kind of disert you are! Are you sweet? Are you sour? Bouth or sailty? What kind of disert are you? Find out by taking this quz! Yumy or sour or sweet suggary sailty?!!! :D:D

published on April 14, 201417 responses 5
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What do you like to put in your coffie or hot coco ,or tea?

What do you like to put in your coffie or hot coco ,or tea?
Sugger :)
Cream!!! :)
Lemon in my tea
Chocolate!!! In my hot coco!

What toppings would you like to put on your desert?

What toppings would you like to put on your desert?
Pepar mint!
Milk coconut

If someone was bullying you what would you do?

If someone was bullying you what would you do?
Stand uo for myself.
Fight with them!
Ignor them
Tell my friends
Make it in to a joke

You got a new phone what do you do?

You got a new phone what do you do?
Tell evryone ! Brag
What kind of phone galaxy then brag
Cool call my friends
Telk my best friend
Take picturs with it get a new phone case too

What kind of desert would you make?

What kind of desert would you make?
Ginger bread!
Cup cake!
Lemon pie!
Chocolate cookies!

Are you popular?

Are you popular?
Some what
I don't have friends
I'M popular but I don't like to brag
A lot of people like me
Yes! Yes!Yes! Very very popualr!

Would you cook for your pearants?

Would you cook for your pearants?
If it is there birth day or some thing
Absalutly Yes Yes Yes!!!
I will make something uniqu and for them
No they cook for me

What kind of snacks would you make for your friends ?

What kind of snacks would you make for your friends ?
Chips and dip
Anythig or nothing
Cup cakes with iceing and sprinkels
Home made candy!

What amotion do you shos the most?

What amotion do you shos the most?
Sweet kind loveing careing
Fun exiting super!
Angry dangurose scary
Cool out going friendly
Creative advetues cirious

What kind of friend are you?

What kind of friend are you?
The leader a bit bossy in coand
Cool out going
Loyol sweet dependable
Supur fun exiting bobuly
Speacial creative werd one of a kind