What Kind of Jacob are you?

Jacob has been alive for many a year and is a man of many personalities. Which side of Jacob are you?

published on April 09, 20148 responses 0
What Kind of Jacob are you?
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It's Friday night. What are you doing?

It's Friday night. What are you doing?
Babysitting. Was that even a question?
Playing video games. My retinas are on fire.
Talking on the phone.
That depends… are there snack in the cupboard? If so, I'm watching
Netflix with the fan and using those brownie points to get an all-access
pass to the fancy grub.

Your sister breaks your leg. What would be your most vivid memory from the experience?

Your sister breaks your leg. What would be your most vivid memory from the experience?
Getting lots of free passes out of things. i.e. Not having to do as many
Racing said sister down driveway and winning even though you only have
one good leg.
The smell of your leg when the cast came off.
Saving the cast in your closet for unknown reasons.

You forgot it was a family member's birthday until they reminded you. What do you do?

You forgot it was a family member's birthday until they reminded you. What do you do?
Say "oh it's your birthday? I thought that was tomorrow" and say
completely wrong date.
Say "oh yeah hold on" and run to your room to carve them a race car out
of a bar of soap.
Laugh and say " my bad. happy birthday" and thats it.
Say "I know! Surprise! Happy birthday! Because one of your siblings is
bound to have bought the relative a gift and claimed it was from the both
of you.

You are bored in class. What is your solution?

You are bored in class. What is your solution?
Skip a grade. you are bored because you are #2Cool4Skool
Snapchat your friend
Doodle on your paper
Roam the halls like the rebel you are.

A fight breaks out in the house. This is potentially dangerous because you are the only human of your gender in the building. What is your next move?

A fight breaks out in the house. This is potentially dangerous because you are the only human of your gender in the building. What is your next move?
Kiss your parent's forehead to remind them that all is well. It was a
Slowly sneak into your room and pretend you aren't there.
Start making food. If they are arguing, they won't notice you are eating 3
whole boxes of cereal.
Nothing because you are already in your room and video games>family.

There is a bug/rodent in the kitchen. How do you handle it?

There is a bug/rodent in the kitchen. How do you handle it?
Leave it there. Not yo problem.
Save it's life by capturing it and releasing it outside.
Die inside/cry a little because you have somehow (sexism) been
designated as pest control in your house and have to take care of it
despite an extreme phobia to all things bugs/rodents.

Pick a Color

Pick a Color
Baby Blue

Pick a Town

Pick a Town
Rochester, NH
Raleigh, NC
Buckingham, VA
Charlottesville, VA

You have 50 bucks and can only spend it at Walmart.

You have 50 bucks and can only spend it at Walmart.
Save it. Someone you care about is having a birthday soon and you want
to get them something special.
Buy a videogame
Buy candy.
Put it in your newly opened bank account. You are such a grownup!

What is your rap name?

What is your rap name?
WakeUp Jacob
Jay Kub
DJ Jay A.
Hardcore Hardin