Which creepypasta are you?

Which creepypasta are you?

This quiz tells you which creepypasta you are. there is jeff the killer, BEN DROWNED, slenderman, masky, and hoodie, and smile dog.

published on April 06, 2014188 responses 28
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If someone gave you a knife how would you react?

If someone gave you a knife how would you react?
thank you so much! i love it!
I only need my friend
i dont have time for knives! i need to find peeps fates!
why exactly would i need a knife?
I dont need a knife! ive got claws of my own! Ill claw your eyes out!
i only need m-my friend
If only i could

If you could have a pet of animal would it be? what would you name it?

If you could have a pet of animal would it be? what would you name it?
i already have a pet and its name is smile dog!
if i could i would get a dragon. Just sayin and putting it out there.
Dude. I dont want pets. my good friend has one!
i dont want a pet.
I dont want a pet. My worst student already has a pet!
I am pet!
i may be an animal but i WILL claw your eyes out!

What would you do if you were in any movies?

What would you do if you were in any movies?
simple. run around making people "go to sleep"
run around clawing peoples eyes out.
Find slenderman?
Follow jeff and help him make people "go to sleep"!
Stalk people of course. Why not? dont forget the signs!
Walk around with masky.
scaring peeps out of their minds.

whats your favorite weapon?

whats your favorite weapon?
i dont know.
my claws.
my teeth.
my hands?
my tenticals

Favorite game?

Favorite game?
Kingdom hearts totally.
The biting game! (my own made-up game)
Portal 2!
the legend of zelda majoras mask.
Hard to decide.
Stab stab stabby stab

Good morning!

Good morning!
i dont like the morning.
hello gov
eh i dont care
turn the night back on!
wait. what? when did it get to morning! i was trying to bring down the moon!

goodnight and goodbye!

goodnight and goodbye!
Yay! night time is back!
I like it much better like this!
Im going to get back to bringing the moon down now.
okey dokey lokey!
okey dokey lokey.
do you not see that i dont care!?