Does he like you back? (Girls only!!!)

Does he like you back? (Girls only!!!)

Find out in this quiz (girls) if he likes you... hopefully he will ;) oh and boys who are going to take the quiz anyways, don't comment but gals paste a comment down there. ;) Hope you like!

published on April 02, 201470 responses 9
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ok, are you sure you like him? Or are you just saying....?

ok, are you sure you like him? Or are you just saying....?
Of course, lets get on with the quiz!
I don't know... i guess i do...
I don't think so..

Are you friends with him at all?

Are you friends with him at all?
Yep, friends for ever... :D
He doesn't know i exist.. ;-;
Meh, we know each other..

Do you ever catch him staring at you?

Do you ever catch him staring at you?
Yes! All the time!
Well once in a great while

Does he make an effort to see you?

Does he make an effort to see you?
Yep! All the time.
Yes... yes and no.

Does he touch you? (Like hugs or hold your hand... not the dirty way)

Does he touch you? (Like hugs or hold your hand... not the dirty way)
We usually hold hand as we walk home from school.
Well by accident.

If he is talking to his friends and sees you, does he leave his friends to talk to you?

If he is talking to his friends and sees you, does he leave his friends to talk to you?

Do you have a clue if he likes you?

Do you have a clue if he likes you?
Yep! I just wanted to make sure.
No, that's why i took this..
I don't think so but i wanted to take this in case

Do you hang out a lot?

Do you hang out a lot?
Yes, once in a while after school (or work)
Once in a while

Last question: Do you see his friends trying to push you two closer together...? (Sometimes that's a real hint!)

Last question: Do you see his friends trying to push you two closer together...? (Sometimes that's a real hint!)
Yes! All the time!

Is he like you at all? (Same interests, music you like, ect.)

Correct! We are perfect for each other!

Did you think this q*u*i*z was helpful?

Yep! Thanks!
Sorry but no...