Would you Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? (1)

Would you Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? (1)

Have you ever been curious about your chances of survival if the world would go into a Zombie Apocalypse? Take the quiz to see if you are a survivor.

published on September 24, 2011126 responses 31
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You see a Zombie alert in your area, you...

Find your Zombie Survival Kit, Quickly
You laugh and shrug it off...
You panic, but pull yourself together long enough to find some useful things to put in a bag.

What is in your pack/bag?

Water Bottles, Caned food, Flashlight, Crackers, Dehydrated meat, etc.
Food, Single Water Bottle, Family Photos

What is your weapon of choice for taking out Zombies?

Balloon Animal
Bow and Arrow (me: Yes they are awesome, but will they really help you?)
Gun, with questionable knowledge on specifics of how to use it...

You are able to save 3 people from the clutches of the Zombies, Who do you save?

You best friend, someone of the opposite gender who doesn't hate you, and a person who seems to be very good at not dying.
Only 3? I would take my whole family and my kitty, and my doggies, and my birdie and my hamster, and my pet fly, Joe.
My closest friends.

How well can you run?

I run fast and long.
I can't run
I run at an average speed

What are your Survial Skills?

Close-combat, Running, Finding Water, Hiking, Swimming, identifying Edible plants... etc.
Survival Skills? I think I know how to reload a gun, just press Square, right?
I know how to find water, run, swim, and can swing a baseball bat pretty hard...