would knuckles the ecinda marrie you!?!

would knuckles the ecinda marrie you!?!

if you get yes you are so so so lucky oh wait knuckles wants to say some thing knuckles:just so you know I am so much better than sonic me:yes you are

published on March 08, 201429 responses 7
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knuckles: if I asked you how would you react me: really knuckles

knuckles: if I asked you how would you react me: really knuckles
what umm let me think I suppose so
of course!!! ( knuckles: errr I now feel sick!!)
what me meet that losers parents no way
I would love to knuckles (knuckles: blushes a lot)

knuckes: I walk you home and ask how you liked my parents

they where fine I gusse umm they could have been better
they where so fun (knuckles: blushes again)
I hated them (knuckles: grr that's it were over)
they where so boring

me: ok ok soo I want to know are you cheating on knuckles! with shadow tails sonic or none

why would I cheat on him I love him

sorry but knuckles will be back ps I dare you to punch him ha ha

sorry but knuckles will be back ps I dare you to punch him ha ha
ya I sure will
no it was to short
ok but tell knuckie I wuv him (knuckles: ghaaa eww)
what I wont let you take knuckles away from me!!!

jk that was not the real queston

jk that was not the real queston
what how dare you
lol you got me ha ha ha
go away move to china!!

here is the real question knuckles: will you marrie me

here is the real question knuckles: will you marrie me
umm let me think only if we can beat up sonic (knuckles: deal)
I said no
ya ya of coure I will he he ha
err of corse not eww