Running from trouble part 16

Running from trouble part 16

yay part 16 and I'm not even done yet. I know for a fact this quiz series is awesome.

published on February 25, 201450 responses 7
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You all ran into Tails room and saw him on his bed and a spider. "Someone kill it," He wailed. "Man Tails with all this screaming you actually might wake Alexis up," Aislin replied. You heard a loud yawn and then you saw Alexis get up. "Hey guys," Alexis yawned. "About time you got up," Knuckles said.

We were already up.
Good morning. (Alexis: *growls*)
What ruffled your feathers? (Alexis: Did you get that from Ever After High?) Yep. (Alexis: Hexellent)
Stop with those bad puns. (Alexis: :(.)

"It's Valentine's day," Sapphire said smiling. You blushed thinking about your crush. "Blush much?" Aislin asked. You turned away as Alexis came up to you. After break feast you heard saw Alexis, Aislin, and Sapphire all blushing. Sonic handed all three of the girls necklaces with different designs. "Thank you Sonic," The three of them said while hugging him. Sonic was blushing at them majorly.

"It's Valentine's day," Sapphire said smiling. You blushed thinking about your crush. "Blush much?" Aislin asked. You turned away as Alexis came up to you. After break feast you heard saw Alexis, Aislin, and Sapphire all blushing. Sonic handed all three of the girls necklaces with different designs. "Thank you Sonic," The three of them said while hugging him. Sonic was blushing at them majorly.
Lay off him!!! (Alexis: Let us have our moment.)
Don't you have enough of them with Shadow? (Alexis&Shadow: Shut up)
Sonic has more fan girls then Tails... I don't care I still like Tails. :)
We all have our hopes and dreams.
No Shadow.... ;(

Sonic was released and Alexis walked into the kitchen with you. "Hey Alexis, I uh." Knuckles said holding out a box in front of her. Alexis took it and smiled. "Knuckles," She said hugging him. You saw that it was a diamond shaped like a heart. Knuckles was blushing redder than his own fur. You giggled as Alexis went outside. You also saw Shadow giving her a black kitten.

I wish Tails would give me something.
Silver hasn't given anyone anything.
Or Manic.
Why did Shadow give HER something. (Alexis: Hey!)

You went up to your room and saw a rose and a card what color is the rose?

a blue rose.
a normal red rose.
an orange rose
a white rose
a green rose.
a black rose

You smiled and read what was on the card. What was it?

Your amazing.
Your precious.
Your cute.
You are part of my future.
Your rock my world
Your very special.

You saw a black clip thing and attached it to your ear. After that a blue flash surrounded you.... later everyone. ;)

bye. :)