Is Fame for you?

Is Fame for you?

Find out if Fame in the future or present is really for you! This quiz will tell if you will reach the superstar point, soon, now or never!

published on September 10, 2011140 responses 32
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Are you good at singing?

I think i'm pretty good and all my friends say i'm good
I think i'm ready, but my friends say i have to work on some tones
I love singing but most of my friends say i'm crap at it
I hate singing and I have never sang in front of anyone before
I think i'm bad at it and no one says i'm good
I don't think i'm that good, but everyone says i'm good

Are you good at acting?

I do drama and all my mates say i'm good at it, even my teacher!
I don't learn drama but my friends say i'm good at it
I'm terrible
i'm alright, but my friends say i have to work on it

Is it you're dream to be famous?

Yes, but if i don't get famous it is okay
I want it more than anything in the world!
Not really
definitely not!

If someone called you and said that a big company was offering a spot in a movie OR said they wanted you to sing a new awesome song that they would make you famous, what would you do?

That would never happen to me
tell all my friends at once

How old are you?

40 over