What Eeveelution Are You? (2)

What Eeveelution Are You? (2)

What Eeveelution are you? From the smart majestic Vaporeon to the beautiful Sylveon.

published on February 15, 201499 responses 21
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You're at a carnival of some sort, what first?

You're at a carnival of some sort, what first?
Ride the scariest ride I've been waiting for the entire time!!!
Get a map and study every little detail!
Win a prize for my friends!
Nothing.... Everything here scares me.
My parents decide for me. >:(
Go find a gift shop or something.
Get tickets for a show going on tonight.
Go see attractions I've heard so much about.

What is a talent you have?

What is a talent you have?
I'm good at everything!
Is being adorkable a talent?
I'm good at...being happy?
I'm pretty good at art!
I good at being organized!
Acting, dancing, ballet, etc.
Telling stories.
I'm good at being beautiful!
None of the above.

What is your dream home?

What is your dream home?
A medium sized beach house with butlers.
I'm already living in my dream home.
Somewhere peaceful. Like a small cabin in the woods. With a balcony!
A big house in the mountains! With servants and an outstanding view!
A 2 story house in a small beautiful village! A forest nearby, living with my family, it would be wonderful!
A HUGE mansion near a beach, with butlers, secret rooms, 5 star dining, a pool, a small hut outside, many guest rooms,
marble stairs, etc.
I think a ordinary house is fine.
A home in a forest with many beautiful sites nearby, with snow falling everywhere.
A big house in a field of roses.

Dragon Unicorn!!

Dragon Unicorn!!
It's going to eat me!!!! *Freaks Out*
*Uses Thunder* Hehehe!!
Omg!! O_o
* Tries to Call 911, but phone is dead* Nooo!!!!
My time has come... *Tames It*

You got a muffin from your crush, how do you react?

You got a muffin from your crush, how do you react?
We were already together!
They didn't know... right?
I knew it!
Zomg!!!! *Freaks Out* Yes!!!!
I don't have a crush. -_-
I already organized our first date!
Nom Nom Nom Muffin!

What do you buy at the candy store?

What do you buy at the candy store?
I'm not allowed to have candy...
Maybe a chocolate bar, but I don't eat much candy.
All the sourest candy!
Chocolate! I need chocolate!!
Gum. Nothing more, nothing less.
Candy with nuts! I love nuts!
Skittles or M'Ms nothing too complex.

You have to do an essay, you can choose any kind and it can be as long as you want. This is for a competition. The prize is 100,000,000 and a trophy. What do you do?

You have to do an essay, you can choose any kind and it can be as long as you want. This is for a competition. The prize is 100,000,000 and a trophy. What do you do?
I already won with my 20 page analysis on wave movements and patterns!
I simply write: I think you need a chill pill principal! Lol XD!
A short poem about nature.
I only wrote: THE| I forgot the deadline so I couldn't write anymore...
Are we reading these out load?
I just steal the prize.
A 5 page informational piece on myths and legends.
A fictional story about mythical creatures on a journey to succeed their dreams.
A love story about a prince and princess!


Uh wut?
Can we get this over with?
I don't care.
I don't get it. Derp.
How is this a personality question?
Is this a trick question?

There's a blackout!!!

There's a blackout!!!
Well I'm not scared!
*Freaks Out*
My phone! :(
It's okay! I don't need technology!
I don't like the dark. *Shivers*
Whats a technology?

You must sacrifice someone, who is it?

You must sacrifice someone, who is it?
Jolteon. He's so cocky, he can prove that he can take it.
I'll sacrifice myself... *Gulp*
Espeon. She thinks she's cuter than me!
Sylveon. She's a bully!
*Passes out*
I don't care, they're all annoying.
I can handle whatever going to destroy me!
Derp power!!
Vaporeon or Sylveon. They're mean to me! They say I'm childish!

You are attacked by a mewtwo!

You are attacked by a mewtwo!
*Runs Away Screaming*
*Lands a powerful hit then runs off*
Easy peasy! I already won!
I'll try my best.
*Loses Temper And beats it up*
*Defends till he/she has a chance to escape*
Kick it!!
It's weak against me stupid.
*Gets knocked out in one hit*

Bye! Remember: 2+2= 9000!!

Bye! Remember: 2+2= 9000!!
No it doesn't...
Lol wut.
I still don't get it.
*Slaps Forehead*
Whatever you say... bye.
Um bye?
Meh. That's probably true, but I don't care.