Does he like you? Extremely accurate!

This is my first quiz and I will be making A LOT more. Hope you enjoy!!!

published on August 04, 20111336 responses 160
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Okay lets start simple. Do you know his eye color?

Yes! I love his ------ beautiful eyes!
Um maybe. I think they are -----. I think.
No/I haven't been close enough to tell.

Alright next question, how often do you two talk?

Very often. We love to spend time with each other.
I see him once in a while. We don't talk much but when we do sparks fly.
I don't talk to him, he doesn't talk to me. We keep are distance.

Have you ever kissed or hugged or held hands or... you know?

We did pretty much all those things. But he's so nervous.
We kissed but it was so like totally an accident.
Um well, no.

Have you two ever been alone. Together.

Yep! Several times. We hang out alone and... things happen.
Well we've been on walks or something like that.
People always follow us. Urg. Stupid people.

What is his favorite color.

It's the same as mine/Simalar to my favorite.
It's either ------ or ------.
I don't know/He never told me

What does he do for fun?

He talks to me or even plays sport with me
He does a lot of things. Sometimes he's a little to busy for me.
I've seen him play ------ but he loves to ------

What is the age difference?

A few months. Maybe even a year or two. I'm still young.
A year or a year and a half I guess.
I'm older/I don't know/I a lot of years. What's wrong with that?

We're almost done. When you walk by what does he say?

He says hi. He even gives me a hug/smile
He says hi but he continues what ever he is doing.
He doesn't really do anything.

When you to talk were does he look?

Into my eyes. It almost makes me faint.
He looks into my eyes sometimes but is easily distracted.
Anywhere but my eyes. Around me I guess.

LAST QUESTION!!! What do like the most about him?

He is so perfect in every little way. It's hard to pick out just one.
His smile, his laugh, his smarts. The stuff that really counts.
I don't really care for him. I just wanted to know how he felt about me or other reason.