Are You Insane? (1)

Are You Insane? (1)

A test to see whether or not you're good or evil, sane or psychopathic.

published on December 18, 2013108 responses 26
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You see a wallet laying on the sidewalk. Lots of potential decisions race through your head. If you don't take it, someone else would. Maybe if you tracked down the owner, he'd give you a reward? Or it could be all yours.

You see a wallet laying on the sidewalk. Lots of potential decisions race through your head. If you don't take it, someone else would. Maybe if you tracked down the owner, he'd give you a reward? Or it could be all yours.
Take it for yourself - the owner should have been more careful with his money anyway.
You take a look at the driver's license - the address is included, along with an identifying photograph. You decide to track down the owner and return what's rightfully theirs.
You rip it into shreds - money's only good for starting fires and for throwing at your problems.
You take a little less than half of the money, then find the owner and claim it was already gone.

Hearing screams for help and groans of pain, you peek into an alleyway to see two thugs beating on an old man. What do you do?

Hearing screams for help and groans of pain, you peek into an alleyway to see two thugs beating on an old man. What do you do?
You help the thugs and pound on him until the alley's stained with his blood.
Deciding that getting into a fight and risking your life isn't worth it, you keep walking, though it'll bother you for a few days.
You rush in to save the old man, pounding on the criminals with all your might.
You laugh and point at the beating, taking pictures to hang on your refrigerator.

You're walking through an airport, rushing to catch your flight, when you see a little boy standing by himself, crying for his mother. Do you help him?

You're walking through an airport, rushing to catch your flight, when you see a little boy standing by himself, crying for his mother. Do you help him?
You walk over and ask him what his mother looks like, and offer to help him find her.
You point him out to Airport officials and move on with your day.
You ignore him - he should've been paying more attention. Besides, you survived on your own when you were his age, all alone on the streets. He can tough it out.
Smirking to yourself, you walk over and point at a line of people walking on to a plane - you say that you saw his mother over there and he should hurry and get on that flight.

You're walking outside of Walmart when you see one of those annoying little bell ringers, asking for change to benefit the poor. You know it's for a good cause, but those bells give you headaches...

You're walking outside of Walmart when you see one of those annoying little bell ringers, asking for change to benefit the poor. You know it's for a good cause, but those bells give you headaches...
You swallow your irritation and drop a few coins in.
You feel a sudden wave of generosity striking you, and drop in a twenty dollar bill, earning glares from passersby and the respect of the bell ringer.
You walk over, punch the bell ringer in the face and go buy some groceries.
You drop a few quarters in - but you pick pocket the bell ringer himself without him noticing.
You walk by - you support the cause, but you don't have the time to get any change out.

You guys knew this one was coming - what's your favorite color? (Don't worry, this is actually important.)

You guys knew this one was coming - what's your favorite color? (Don't worry, this is actually important.)
Blood red.
Ocean blue.
You're colorblind.

What would you do with a million dollars?

What would you do with a million dollars?
Donate to the poor.
Buy a mansion.
Burn it and rub the ashes in the faces of random passersby.
Invest in the stock market.

You've been locked in a room for a week with no food and a puppy. Do you crack, or hold onto your sanity?

You've been locked in a room for a week with no food and a puppy. Do you crack, or hold onto your sanity?
Chew on your fingernails - you can probably live off of them.
You decide to let yourself starve - nothing's worth killing a puppy over.
You eat yourself, a limb at a time. You taste good, you think.

Which of these things do you find the most fun?

Which of these things do you find the most fun?
Playing sports - LAME!!!
Watching cartoons or anime/reading a book or manga.
Doing homework or other school activities - boring!