Gorzycki Holiday Gift Guide!

Can't think of what to get your mom for the holidays? Don't know how to spread the spirit of giving to your BFF? Look no further than the Gorzycki Holiday Gift Guide! This holly jolly handbook will help you survive Christmas gifting without disappointing anyone. This guide can provide you with inexpensive, creative ideas to give to those around you. Just make sure to have your parents' permission before doing any online shopping. Remember, this guide isn't exactly about specific gifts to get, just think of it as a gentle push in the right direction (pffft. I don't know the person you're giving the gift to!)

published on December 11, 20131 response 0
Gorzycki Holiday Gift Guide!
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How old is this person?

How old is this person?
Infant to Toddler
4-7 years old
8-12 years old
I don't know

What is your relationship with this person?

What is your relationship with this person?
They are my mother (Grandma and Aunt fit here)
They are my father (Grandpa and Uncle fit here)
They are my brother, sister, cousin, or best friend
They are my friend
I don't know them very well.

What other things does this person like to do?

What other things does this person like to do?
They love to program computers and work with electronics
They love video games
They love to cook and bake
They love to work with wood and build things
They love photography or yearbook
They love fashion and design
They love shopping
They love working with animals
They love to do their makeup
They love to do their hair
They love sewing/knitting
They love to do their nails
Sports are their LIFE
They love fine arts (dance, band, orchestra, art, a specific instrument (guitar, piano, vocals, etc.), choir, theatre
They don't like any of these
I still don't know!

Do you know something specific that they want?

Do you know something specific that they want?
Yes, but someone else is getting it for them.

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Visit news.gmstigers.org for more news updates and features.
Got it!
Will do!