Which Creepypasta Is Stalking You?

Try to say the truth in this quiz, it's not about which creepypasta you are but which creepypasta is STALKING YOU! It could be important! I mean what if they existed? O_O

published on November 19, 2013729 responses 122
Which Creepypasta Is Stalking You?
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1rst question! Are you gay? ... Just kidding (It wasn't funny...) (Shut up!). Have you ever felt strange when you're alone in a room?

1rst question! Are you gay? ... Just kidding (It wasn't funny...) (Shut up!). Have you ever felt strange when you're alone in a room?
I sometimes feel watched.
No, I don't tkink so...
I feel like something is behind me..! Like RIGHT NOW!
Not... really... I mean... I don't know... ^^'
I feel judged! What's wrong with me?
I feel like something dangerous is with me in the room.
I feel like someone wants to hug me, am I weird?

2nd question. Have you ever heard strange noise? Not like... naughty! But scary.

2nd question. Have you ever heard strange noise? Not like... naughty! But scary.
Yes... in my closet... But I'm too scared to open it! T-T
I think I should check under my bed..!
At my window, like something is scratching it.
Not at all.
No, it's so quiet...
Outside, but it must be some raccoon or something... right?

3rd question. When you're walking home at night, have you ever felt... uncomfortable?

3rd question. When you're walking home at night, have you ever felt... uncomfortable?
Yes, I feel like someone is following me..!
It feels like someone is watching me walking...
I think I hear... yeah... I can hear foot steps!
Oh my God... Someone is behind me...
I feel watched but from far. Is that okay?
ARE YOU SAYING THAT SOMEONE MIGHT BE CHASING ME??? 'Cause that's exactly the feeling I have!
Some dog is barking, it's so annoying... wait... you don't think... oooh...

Okay... 4th question... How many times do you check in your closet before going to bed?

Okay... 4th question... How many times do you check in your closet before going to bed?
Once is enough.
Three times! You can never be too careful.
PERFECT! Now because of YOU, I'm going to start to check my closet FOUR TIMES before going to bed!
Between five and eight times. I'm scared... o.O

5th question. Do you check under your bed before going to sleep?

5th question. Do you check under your bed before going to sleep?
I don't need to do it! It's stupid!
It depends... If I feel threated, yes.
Of course!!!
... Damn it... SHE SCARED ME AGAIN!!!!
Yes, 'cause if I don't I have nightmares!

6th question... Do you always lock your bedroom door?

6th question... Do you always lock your bedroom door?
No, because it's not a wooden door that's going to hold... THEM!
Better safe than sorry...
No! What if It's already in my room?? What if I need to RUN!?
Yes, but I feel kind of bad for doing it... :(
Why would I need to? I'm a normal person!
You think you're smart, huh? But what if "they" can pick up the lock, huh?

Are you gay? (That joke's not funny. Oh and, by the way, you won I'll ask the questions now.) I'm sorry for that... hum... oh yeah... 7TH QUESTION! Did you notice a change in you? Like, did you lost one of your organs, an eye maybe?

Are you gay? (That joke's not funny. Oh and, by the way, you won I'll ask the questions now.) I'm sorry for that... hum... oh yeah... 7TH QUESTION! Did you notice  a change in you? Like, did you lost one of your organs, an eye maybe?
Yeah, I lost a kidney. I still don't know how... Why? :)
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Hey, can the other one come back, please?
No, I don't know why I would you psycho!

I'M BACK!!! XD SO, 8th question! ... Wait, what is the 8th question? If you would excuse me a moment..! ^^' ... no... no, not that one either... nah it can't be that one..! AH! Found it! ... Oh crap... Hum... Okay, I know it can be hard but... Did you lost one of your pets recently? I sorry if it's hard...

I'M BACK!!! XD SO, 8th question! ... Wait, what is the 8th question? If you would excuse me a moment..! ^^' ... no... no, not that one either... nah it can't be that one..! AH! Found it! ... Oh crap... Hum... Okay, I know it can be hard but... Did you lost one of your pets recently? I sorry if it's hard...
Yes... but it was a normal death!
I don't have pets. -_-
Yeah... yeah... something strange happened to it but I don't want to talk about it...
Nah, don't worry I didn't! :) Sorry, if anyone did. :(
*sobs* (Be strong!)

Sorry for the precedent question. :( We're almost done! 9th question. Were do you like to go to have a good time? (River, forest, camping...)

Sorry for the precedent question. :( We're almost done! 9th question. Were do you like to go to have a good time? (River, forest, camping...)
I like to take a walk in the forest near the house! :D
I sometimes go camping with my friends or my family. :)
Party! ;)
NOWHERE! And that's because of YOU! You scared me! :P
I don't know if I should tell you. -_-
I don't like to go out. I prefer staying on my computer!
I love to go swim in the lake with some friends..! ;)

OOOOOH!!! LAST QUESTION!!! It's the 10th question... :3 How do you want to die? I know, it's a bit weird.

OOOOOH!!! LAST QUESTION!!! It's the 10th question... :3 How do you want to die? I know, it's a bit weird.
I'm a masochist so I would like it slow and painful... 8)
I don't want to die! D:
If you have to kill me... please, make it quick. :'(
... Don't kill me, please..! D':
Ok, that it. THAT'S IT! Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Why should I die? I did nothing wrong!!!
If I have to die... I don't know.