Are you a geek, nerd, dork, dweeb or just a normal guy? This quiz will finally decide where you belong on the personality spectrum. Necrolestes published on October 27, 2013 Stacked 1/10 How many hours (on average) do you play PC games in a week? Hard to calculate... quite low. 1-10 11-30 30+ Don't have a PC 2/10 Do you hope this will be the last question? No Yes 3/10 Do you have a computer? Yes... just like most people. No... I prefer books. Yes, I built it myself. Yes, I am the best at gaming, so I need the best PC. No. 4/10 Would you say you are a...? Geek/Nerd Dweeb/dork Normal, I think. 5/10 If someone said to you: "You're such a geek!" What would you say? Yes, yes I am. No, I'm a nerd. (INSERTRUDEWORDHERE) 6/10 Do/did people copy your answers in tests? Yes, without asking... Yes, so I tell/told the teacher. Yes... but only because they knew I wouldn't mind. No 7/10 What is your political status? What? Somewhere on the right. Somewhere on the left/or middle. 8/10 How would you rate your intelligence? Far above average, obviously! Above average, I guess. I'm average, maybe even under. I'm pretty stupid. I'm a genius! 9/10 Ever taken an IQ or EQ test? Yes, both. An IQ An EQ Neither. Don't know what EQ/IQ is. 10/10 Do you obsess about things? Yes, non-fiction books/documentaries. Yes, fiction books/TV/Movies. Nope