Sonic wffy part 2

Sonic wffy part 2

Who will fall for you? (wwffy) Sonic, Shadow, Silver or Scrouge? Par2! hope you enjoy!

published on September 19, 2013281 responses 79
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Ok recap! You finished school and were walking home and three blurs knocked you over and at school ur bff told you about some blurs right?

Ok recap! You finished school and were walking home and three blurs knocked you over and at school ur bff told you about some blurs right?
yeah!!! Lets go hurry up! (calm down!)
^don't start with the calm down thing again like in ur last quiz! ( not u again!) what did you say! (nothing!)
Correct! So what happens next! (ur nice unlike answer2!) (answer 2:hey!)
Arnt you supost to remeber that not us? (its just a recap! now on to the story!)

You stand up for the third time while mumbling "stuiped blurs! why I ourght to....wait multi coloured blurs?" You stare at where they just ran off to. "Wow...My bff was right...I'm gonna go home and-"

You stand up for the third time while mumbling "stuiped blurs! why I ourght to....wait multi coloured blurs?" You stare at where they just ran off to. "Wow...My bff was right...I'm gonna go home and-"
Do I have to go home? (yeah!) what if I don't want to? (this happens) *starts to dance randomly* ah! I can't stop!
sleep! ^-^ *yawns*
Play on my new phone that the auther CAN'T steal (i'll get it soon!)

When you got home your mum walked up to you. "Hello ___! I'm going on a trip abroud and I won't be back in a few months so be good and don't get in to troble!" and with that she left.

When you got home your mum walked up to you. "Hello ___! I'm going on a trip abroud and I won't be back in a few months so be good and don't get in to troble!" and with that she left.
At last! piece and quiet!
YAHOO! PARTY TIME! AND ALL THE ANSWERS ARE INVITED! AND YOU 2 SAPPHIRE! (yay!!!) (all anwsers dance at the party)
*recored message* answer 4 is not here right now becuse she is to busy dancing at answer 3 party so leave a message after the beap (beap!)

You decided to go up to your room and play on your laptop. After a few minutes of qfeast you hear a load bang outside. You slowly close your laptop and open your window.

You decided to go up to your room and play on your laptop. After a few minutes of qfeast you hear a load bang outside. You slowly close your laptop and open your window.
*still dancing* okay i'm sorry! stop it with the dancing! (okay!) *dancing stopped* phew! now whats out the window?
Don't know, don't care! What ever it is it better not desturb me!
I think I know who it is!!!! (I think you do 2!)
oooo! who is it! Is it the blurs? Is it Eggman? Is it mum? Is it my freind?

You see four aliens one green, one blue, one white and one black and red. "Like in my vision!" you wisper. You lean out of the window a little to see what they are saying. The Black and red one said "SONIC! Why did you just make a Sonic boom! we came here to get ___ not to show us up!"

You see four aliens one green, one blue, one white and one black and red. "Like in my vision!" you wisper. You lean out of the window a little to see what they are saying. The Black and red one said "SONIC! Why did you just make a Sonic boom! we came here to get ___ not to show us up!"
The blue one looks kinda cute...I mean cool!
Red and black? they are my fav colours!
I new who they were from the start! told you! and..the white one looks...sweet
Who are they! And where did the green one get his jacket from! It looks so awsome!

"Well sorry! I'm not called Sonic for nothng you know!" the blue one says. "Don't start a fight now! We need to look for ___!" the white one said pulling the black and red one away before it could hit the blue one "Er...dudes whos that?" says the green one pointing at you

"Well sorry! I'm not called Sonic for nothng you know!" the blue one says. "Don't start a fight now! We need to look for ___!" the white one said pulling the black and red one away before it could hit the blue one "Er...dudes whos that?" says the green one pointing at you
They are after me! And spotted me! run!!!!
Curse you green alien! Curse you!!!
....hide me! Hide me! (erm....)
*runs off* (*takes phone when she is gone* lol shhh!)

They all stared at you "Thats her!"yelled the blue "Crud!" You say as you run off! "Where can I hide! Where can I hide! You say over and over "I know behind the wardrobe!" you say squishing behind it. You here your front door slam. They were in your house...

They all stared at you "Thats her!"yelled the blue "Crud!" You say as you run off! "Where can I hide! Where can I hide! You say over and over "I know behind the wardrobe!" you say squishing behind it. You here your front door slam. They were in your house...
Plz don't let them find me!
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! (she scares me...)
Oh why did mum not lock the door! (becuse she did not know that 4 aliens would walk in!)
....(staying quiet huh? at least they will find you last)

You here your bedroom door creak open you see threw a gap in your wardrobe thsee the aliens in your house. "I can't find her!" Yelled the black and red one. "Man, this chic can hide good" Says the green one.

You here your bedroom door creak open you see threw a gap in your wardrobe thsee the aliens in your house. "I can't find her!" Yelled the black and red one. "Man, this chic can hide good" Says the green one.
ha ha! can't find me!!!
DID HE JUST CALL ME CHIC! ILL SHOW YOU WHAT THIS "CHIC"CAN DO! (don't come out of your hiding place!)
I'ts like hide and seek! (I a weird way)
I'll just call the poilce with my phone and...HEY WHERE IS MY PHONE! (*holds up phone* told you I will get it!) >:(

Sudenly you feel that your floating off the ground. You look at your body to find yourself covered in some sort bubble? And you float from you hiding place to in front of the aliens. The white one had his hand out so he must be the one making the bubble. "found you" said the blue one smerking

Sudenly you feel that your floating off the ground. You look at your body to find yourself covered in some sort bubble? And you float from you hiding place to in front of the aliens. The white one had his hand out so he must be the one making the bubble. "found you" said the blue one smerking
plz let me go! I don't want to die!
^ r u acculy gonna make me die on the next quiz? (well....maybe)

and...cliffhanger! ha ha! lov to do that! ok did u like it?sorry for spellings and stuff!

and...cliffhanger! ha ha! lov to do that! ok did u like it?sorry for spellings and stuff!
luv it! will rate and comment!
hate it! ( :( )
good! ill comment!
ok..ill rate