How #NRFTW Haunted are YOU??

How #NRFTW Haunted are YOU??

How #NRFTW Haunted are YOU?? Not Haunted? Take our Quiz & find out!! You might be surprised!!

published on August 30, 20137 responses 0
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In the evenings, when you're asleep, you find yourself:

In the evenings, when you're asleep, you find yourself:
Sleeping soundly, with no interruptions.
In a dreamlike "floating" state, watching yourself sleep
Waking to the sound of a child laughing and riding a
stick horse.
Waking to the sound of an adult laughing and riding a
stick horse.

When alone in your house at night, you experience:

When alone in your house at night, you experience:
A cold draft, when no windows or doors are ajar.
An uncontrollable urge to watch a good western movie.
Strange rope burning smells that seem to come and go
at random.
Items seemingly being moved or misplaced by someone
other than you.

Lately, you have:

Lately, you have:
Seen a door or cabinet open and close on its own.
Felt your head spinning, then found yourself puking a
green, pea soup-like substance.
Noticed that an elderly man keeps knocking on your
door late at night & inviting you to come to chuch.
Found yourself looking for updates on

In recent memory, you have heard which of the following:

In recent memory, you have heard which of the following:
Someone tells you they'd "like to go to an old west
town & drink a sarsaparilla".
Strange voices singing "Little Brown Church in The
An unknown female voice telling you to "Be wary".
Hearing horse hooves at all hours of the night on
weekends only.

Within the past few days, you have seen:

Within the past few days, you have seen:
The "No Rest For The Wicked" Pitch Video & Trailer the
official movie site at
A strange person in your home who appeared to be
from the 1880's.
Murderous outlaw figures photobombing in photographs
taken of you.
A blonde lady peering through your bedroom window at
you at night.

You are worried, because lately you have:

You are worried, because lately you have:
Dream't about the same dark, foggy ranch for
consecutive nights.
Felt like Morgan Freeman is speaking to you and trying
to control your thoughts.
Not been following @NRFTW-MOVIE on Twitter.
Had the feeling you're being watched & must check
under your bed before sleeping.