do you poop too often?

do you poop too often?

are you abnormal when it comes to your colin? find out whats going on down there with this butt hole-tastic quiz!

published on August 27, 201371 responses 15
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How often do you visit the toilet in a day?

How often do you visit the toilet in a day?
3 times. One for each meal!
7 times. I love to stay hydrated!
2 times. I don't really visit ol' John that much.
I cant keep track. I <3 FOOD!
Not sure. What kind of question is that?

Do you eat any of these foods? ( choose the answer with a food you eat frequently in it )

Do you eat any of these foods? ( choose the answer with a food you eat frequently in it )
banana, applesauce, toast.
salad, jellybeans, beans.
None of the above.
Beef, cheese, crackers.

Do you take laxatives on a daily/weekly/ basis?

Do you take laxatives on a daily/weekly/ basis?
I take them daily!
Weekly depending on my poop-o-meter.
Laxative virgin!
Taken them once or twice. Only in emergencies!
Only once have i tried it.

How often are you constipated?

How often are you constipated?
NEVER! I always have something coming out one way or the other!
Never really.
I beat constipation!
I get constipated more often than not.
Yes, a lot. My proctologist is my bff.

Do you talk to your doctor about your flow or clog of logs?

Never really. My hole just goes with the flow.
Me, WORRIED? Pshhh my poop is fine!
LOG JAM! I try as frequent as i can.
Not exactly. Im not a top visitor.
At least once a month.