quick personality quiz

quick personality quiz

find out the main strenght in your personality with this quick and easy quiz

published on July 28, 201359 responses 5
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What do your freinds phone to talk to you about?

What do your freinds phone to talk to you about?
fights and what other people are doing
partys and to be cheered up
to talk and arrange to meet up in private
they dont really phone

If someone was picking on you what would you do?

If someone was picking on you what would you do?
not tell anybody
just laugh at the person who is bulling you because they are wasting there time to think about you
go insane and get all your freinds together and start a fight
spend some time with one or two of your freinds maybe an adult and just talk about how it is making you feel

Out of these four feelings which do you feel the most?

Out of these four feelings which do you feel the most?

if you had to discribe yourself as a colour which type of colour would you be?

if you had to discribe yourself as a colour which type of colour would you be?
a dull grey like clouds, seen but not heard
a deap purple a colour that enybody can use whenever they want without judgement
a red full of joy and happiness
a bright yellow right up at the front wanting to seen and know of

what personality do you think you have?

what personality do you think you have?
Hot head