Which one of my friends are you? (1)

Which one of my friends are you? (1)

I have three best friends, but we got split up when my school closed down. We have this club called the GGs, which stands for glasses girls. 3 of us wear glasses, and the last one has big geeky glasses! Find out which on you are!

published on July 27, 201353 responses 20
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What is your favvourite colour?

What is your favvourite colour?
Black and White!

What are the best books?

What are the best books?
I read cooking books!
Animal Arks
Harry Potters! Awesome!
I read ALL books!

Favourite animal?

Favourite animal?
Giraffes and African animals
Horses and ponies!

Do you have real glasses?

Do you have real glasses?
Yeah! I've had them for ages!
Yes, I've had them for quite a while.
Yar but I never really wear 'em

What's your favourite food?

What's your favourite food?
Cadbury's Chocolate!
Mars Bars

You're having a sleepover, but one of your friends can't come. So you...

You're having a sleepover, but one of your friends can't come. So you...
Invite your cousin instead. That'll teach her to organise things when I don't want her to!
Arrange it to another date immediately! It won't be fun without her!
Invite her to come round your house on a day she IS free. That way you can still have the sleepover.
AAAW, I'm sad now! Let's just cancel the thing altogether. we can go to town instead...

This question is related to the one above. You are the one who can't make it to the sleepover, but your friends are having it anyway, so you...

This question is related to the one above. You are the one who can't make it to the sleepover, but your friends are having it anyway, so you...
Text your friend saying *I don't actually like you*
Sigh, but it can't be helped
Eh, what the heck!

What do you want to be when your older?

What do you want to be when your older?
Doctor, possibly finding the cure to cancer
I want to be a vet, looking after animals, or anything to do with looking after people
AN author, because I love reading! Or an illustrator, I love art!
Running a cooking shop.

What's your favourite subject?

Art. No, no, it's Music. English! Wait, Maths. Or Science. But Art's the top!
It used to be science, but now...well, I'm not sure.
Hmmm...Anything random!

Last but not least: What is the most important quality in a friend?

Someone who is patient!
Someone who can take a joke. That is ESSENTIAL!
Someone who's fun, but not selfish
Someone nice who compliments me!