are you a scene queen, swag, prep, goth, or nerd It says it all in the title. Are you scene, goth, swag, preppy, or a nerd alyssa.tranccy published on July 20, 2013 Stacked 1/11 what your favorite show BLACK BUTLER!! or bleach or soul eater...any anime none. jersey shore or ridiculousness anythingz I don't watch t.v. educational programming or none ya mamaz 2/11 whats your favorite animal UNICORN ZOMBIE....A ZOMBIENICORN cat black cat dog kittie!!!! all animals rock none ....or a fish my brother 3/11 what are you planning on being in the future a musician/actress/anything like that a poet maybe and actress I don't need a job I have swag a model actress or professional cheerleader a musician or a fashion designer:p whatever I love a video technician maybe a scientist something like that nuuuutthhhhiiiinnnn 4/11 youtube? I like to listen to music like botdf or watch funny videos I defend my style my commenting on preps walls. chick fights funny videos making vids I listen to music and make vids but im not on usually I don't go on eh...what? tobuscus pewdiepie asdf movie trollface 5/11 are you cool at school im known as a class clown im pretty random im not very popular but people know my I hang out with my outcast friends^.^ I hate school everyone can die in a hole for all I care I just want to be alone yuhh! girl like me and I got tons of friends haters be hatin makin me famous totally! girls get jealous and I have tons of friends I am a cheerleader duhh yeah....I kinda just walk around so not really I like to ditch sometimes I like school but im not popular I usually sit in the library or some place else to be alone maybe. maybe. maybe. no. yes. bye. 6/11 whose your favorite band/artist biotdf, bvb, avril lavigne, skrillex, bfmv Marilyn manson, stuff.... snoop dogg, mac miller Eminem rap stuff Rihanna, beyonce, one direction, justin bieber, cassie ANYONE none or a composer.didn't you already ask this???? shttuuufff 7/11 what your favorite food PICKLESSSS and sour stuff other than that I don't eat I DONT LIKE TO EAT pizza burgers OR healthy stuff salad sometimes pizza im on a diet fruit veggies whatever balanced meals pie. 8/11 What kind of music do you like hip hop r&b rap scream/rock and stuff like botdf and avril lavigne dark music like Marilyn manson all Beethoven or none stuff/other 9/11 what do you wear abbey dawn hottopic rock clothes and funny shirts sometimes band tees and colorful clothing multi color hair rock shirts and black leather and lace black hair with red or purple swag clothes and designer sagging skinny jeans hates and baker skirts blouses pink white light colors nerd glasses funny colors shorts and suspenders normal clothes I streak:p 10/11 bye! BYE MY NEW UNICORN YOU!!! finally. swaggie out! byezzzz!! peace. good day. I am a corndog 11/11 how often are you online all the time^.^ a lot. not as much though I update al throughout the day a lot just im usually out with my friends not very much most than others barely im not im in bah breeenzz