MLP which pony are you?

MLP which pony are you?

which pony are you? take this fun quiz and find out today! have fun now!( my little pony is copyright by Hasbro)

published on July 18, 201375 responses 23
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what do you in your spare time?

what do you in your spare time?
read some books.
design things
play some sport
play with your pet
plan a party
do the chores
random junk

why do your friends like you?

why do your friends like you?
you're smart
your fashion sense
your love of sports
you're always there for them
your good sense of humour
you always tell the truth
you don't take things for yourself

are you ...

are you ...
a geek
a jock
a worker
a bit weird

when you were young did you

when you were young did you
love magic
love to race
like to spend time alone
work all day
sometimes get tired of your life
I don't remember my youth

One thing you'd like to change

One thing you'd like to change
you're anti-social
you're short-tempered
not that modest
you're shy
nope, not a care in the world
you work too hard
I don't know ask luna

a new girl is in town do you..

a new girl is in town do you..
tell her lots of facts
ask her to be your model
invite her to a race
if she would like a pet
tell her lots of jokes
show her how to do things
just wing it

how would you deal with a bully

how would you deal with a bully
tell someone
tell them and walk away
stand up for yourself
run away
it doesn't matter what they say
get all mad at them
stand by

at the end of quiz which pony do you think you are?

at the end of quiz which pony do you think you are?
twilight sparkle
rainbow dash
pinkie pie