Can you help me decide between two guys?

Can you help me decide between two guys?

There's this guy I like and my old flame who claims he still has feelings for me... Help me choose!

published on May 25, 201170 responses 23
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Guy #1 (my old flame), let's call him Cole, still hugs me...

I'm in favor of him
In favor of guy #2
Are hugs really something to use to choose between guys?

Guy #2 (my newest crush), let's call him Matt, tells me that I look good without makeup...

He's simply stating the obvious, no strings attached (Doesn't mean he likes you)
In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole

Cole seems to be upset alot...

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
Why don't you... cheer him up ;p

Matt is a dork...

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
He's just super funny that's all (Don't you like dorky guys?)

Cole is getting to that age when guys start thinking... differently and wanting to do different stuff... if you catch my drift

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
He obviously likes you enough to understand you are old fashioned
Let him be a guy

Matt is really shy and isn't one for hugging or holding hands often...

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
I'm sure he'll hold hands, hug you, and kiss you...

I'm one of those girls who like to have a protective guy... Cole seems like one of those types who get jealous, Matt seems like a guy who doesn't really seem to do anything if he has a rival.

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
Matt could be protective if it came to it
Cole is just a jealous jerk

Cole is not exactly the most attractive guy...

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole
He's the same attractiveness as you!

Matt has a gf that he doesn't like... (He was pressured into the relationship by his "friends". Some friends, right?)

So he's taken, doesn't mean you can't go after him... (In favor of Matt)
In favor of Cole

I don't know who to choose.... So, once and for all, who sounds like a better choice?

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole

Matt plays guitar/drums, Cole plays Alto Saxophone/drums...

In favor of Matt
In favor of Cole