What Dance Mom are you?!?

What Dance Mom are you?!?

In this quiz you find out if your Cristi, Kelly, Holly, Mellissa or Jill

published on December 01, 201316 responses 4
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At your first day of work, what would you do?

Joke to co-workers and boss
Suck up to boss
Do boss's paper work
Complain about co-workers to boss
Work hard

If your child's teacher gave your child detention for 5 months, what would you do?

That would never happen, my child's teacher would love my child
Accept it
Send your child to another school
Persuade teacher
Yell at teacher

What is your social life like?

Fighting and making up with my best friend
Complaining about my number of friends
Having a lunch once in a while with my closest friends
Doing whatever it takes to get my friends to like me the most
Being with my friend for a long time so we can bond

What's your favorite board game? [I know, really random]

All board games aren't good
Whatever my friends are playing

What's your favorite kind of cake? [I know, another random one]

I give cakes to my friends, I don't usually eat them
I don't like cake
Carrot cake
Anything my friends like
Vanilla and strawberry