What Sonic Guy Would Date U? Manic Shadow Silver Tails Or Knuckl

Lol You Cant See At All What That Says Up There But The Title Is : Which Sonic Guy Would Date You ? Manic Shadow Silver Tails Or Knuckles ? Lol That's The Real Title . So Im Danica And This Is My First Quiz On QFEAST ! Ok So I Really Hope You Like It And I'm Hoping Also That You Will Rate . I Wanna Know How It Was ! - XOXO Danica <3

published on July 01, 2013187 responses 27
What Sonic Guy Would Date U? Manic Shadow Silver Tails Or Knuckl
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Ok So You Wake Up On A Stone Platform And See A Huge Green Emerald And A Red Echidna Who Appears To Be Guarding It. "You're Finally Awake SleepyHead!"He Laughed A Little And Went Back To Making His Unhappy Face."Hi.Im ____.Who Are You And Where Am I?"You Had So Many Questions."1)Nice Name. 2)I'm Knuckles And 3)You're On Mobius Ofcoarse!" He Said.

Ok So You Wake Up On A Stone Platform And See A Huge Green Emerald And A Red Echidna Who Appears To Be Guarding It. "You're Finally Awake SleepyHead!"He Laughed A Little And Went Back To Making His Unhappy Face."Hi.Im ____.Who Are You And Where Am I?"You Had So Many Questions."1)Nice Name. 2)I'm Knuckles And 3)You're On Mobius Ofcoarse!" He Said.
Im Not A SleepyHead -.- ! (Me: Woah Take A Chill Pill It's Only The First Question!) 3 Words. I. Don't. Care.
Knuckles Is So Handsome You Know (Me: xD)
Manic Is In This ? (Me: Yes .) Okay.Cool.
Mobius Sounds Like Such A Nice Name !
Cool ! Let's Build Something Knuckles !

"Mobius..." You Acted As If Mobius Sounded Familiar. "Yup So Do You Want To See A Few Of My Friends? Well They Arent Really FRIENDS But You Know What I Mean.."Knuckles Asked. "Sure !" You Said Wondering What They Looked Like. "Ok Come On Then."

Are Any Of His Friends Mechanics ? (Me: Yupperz) Yayy !
Why Did I Have To Meet His Friends ? (Me: There Might Be Someone You'd Like To See In There..) Doubt It .
I Bet His Friends Are Nice !
Knuckles Is Taking Me To Meet His Parents?This Is A Little Sudden..But I Like It..(Me: Not His PARENTS! -.-.. His FRIENDSS) Oh..Okay .___.

So You Walk In And See A Green Hedgehog First. "Hey! Im Manic.What's You're Name?"Manic Smiled Invitingly. What Do You Do ?

Sup Bro . I'm ____ .
Hi There ! *Smiles* I'm ____ !
Hi Do You Like Mechanics ? (Me: NO HE DOESNT D:) Aww Ok Well We Can Still Be Friends . I'm ____ .
It's ____ . Now Get Out Of My Way Freak . (Me: Aww ;c ) -.-
Watch Out I Can Put Up A Good Fight . Name's ____ .

Well Whatever You Did You Told Him Your Name. "Nice Name." He Blushed And Walked Back To Go Sit On The Couch.There Were Three Other People On The Couch. "Hi I'm Silver !" He Called Out And When He Got Your Attention He Smiled Shyly."Hi Silver I'm ____."You Smiled. "What A Pretty Name."He Was Still Blushing.

Ugh Why Is He Blushing At Me ? I Don't Wanna Know His Name. (Me: You Just Found Out (: )
Manic Was Kinda Cute..
Aww Silver Is So Sweet... *Blush*
Does Silver Like Mechanics? (Me: No Sorry But He's Very Smart.) Ok :D
Ok Silver , You Like To Fight ?

Silver Couldn't Stop Smiling.(How Cute!) And Then Knuckles Said "That 2-Tailed Fox Right There's Tails." You Smiled At Tails. "Hi ____ ! Do You Like Mechanics?" WHAT DO YOU SAY?

YESSS!!! It's TAILS He's Interested Like Me ! ! !(Me: Yess ! :D)
Sorry . Wrong Person To Ask , Tails ! =/
No ! >:) (Me: You're So Mean ! D: ) I Know...
No Tails But I'm A Good Fighter ! :') (Me: .___.)
Nahh Sorry Tails I'm More Of The Drummer/Musical Type .

Tails Smiled . Then You Looked Over To A Black And Red Hedgehog That Looked SUPER Depressed.You Wondered What Was Wrong. "Hi Uh Im ____..What's Your Name?" He Ignored You For A Few Seconds But You Wanted An Answer. "I Am Shadow The Hedgehog.." He Continued Looking Depressed.Then Knuckles Finally Said "Yea Don't Mess With Him.He'll BITE !" You Looked At Shadow And Knew You Should Talk To Him Later.

Is Manic Still There ? (Me: Yes ! xD )
Shadow's Kind Of...Nevermind... (Me: Aww c;)
Alright Put 'Em Up Shadow . (Me: You Aren't In A Wrestling Wring ! D: ) Yeah... ;)
Shadow Looks Like He Needs A Friend... :)
Shadow Looks Like He Likes Mechanics .. (Me: NO HE DOESNT ! XD)

You Were Introduced To Them All.And Then Shadow Walked Out Of The Room.Before He Could Knuckles Shouted "Hey Shadow ! Where Are You Going ?" Shadow Looked At Him Blankly."Just...Nevermind.." And He Walked Out.You Wanted To Know What He Was Doing So You Asked Knuckles. "Err..Can I Go See What Shadow's Up To..?"

Maybe He's Working On An Invention.. (Me: No He Isnt ! DX) D:
Maybe He Wants Me To Come Out There And Show Him Who's Bosss >:D (Me: .-. I Don't Think He Wants To Fight You.) Aww D;
Maybe He's Thinking About His Past.. (Me: UH THANKYOU ! ! ! o_O)
Maybe He's Going To The Future (Me: Err Why Would He Be?) I Don't Know .-.
Maybe He's Bringing Manic Back ! Love That Guy ! :D (Me: Stop Talking About Manic ! O_O) 8D ...

"Ok." Then Knuckles Was Talking With Silver And Tails And Manic While You Went Outside And Saw Shadow Lying Down On The Grass Staring At The Sky. "Shadow..Do You Want To Talk?.." Shadow Looked At You With A Face That Made You Sad."About What.." He Asked Quietly. "Like..Why Arent You Happy?"You Asked.

Why Are We Lying On The Grass? I Wanna FIGHT HIM ! (Me: NO ! .-.) D: ! ! !
This Could Be Interesting ! :D
Maybe He Wants To Talk About Mechanics ! (Me: No..)
Shadow Is Kind Of Like Me .. (Me: Yes ! Yes He Is !!!)
Maybe Manic Will Come Lie Out Here With Us ! (Me: T_T)

After A Few Minutes Shadow Whispered Something That Sounded Like "Maria".You Didn't Know What He Said Though."Did You Say Something Shadow?" He Looked At You . "You're Like...Maria.." You Looked Confused And Shadow Smiled..

Ahh ! This Is NOT About Mechanics ! (Me: OFCOARSE IT'S NOT !)
Shadow Is..Is He Going To .. (Me: You'll Have To Find Out !) -.- ..
If He Tries What I Think He Will Then Imma Show Him A Punch He'll Never Forget (Me: I Wouldn't Try That..)
Shadow Would Be A Nice Friend But Doesn't Silver Like Me..?

That's All For Now Folks ! Part 2 Coming Real Soon ! Please Rat ee . And Thnx For Playing This And Look Out For Part 2 ! It Might Get A Little... OH ! I Cant Tell You ! What Am I Doing xD Anyway Hope You Liked It And STAY TUNED ! ! ! - XOXO Danica <3

Ugh. I Don't Do The XOXO's -.- (Me: '-' !)
That Was A Nice Quiz ! See You In The Future ! (Me: Woah I Just Got A Hint When You Said "Future" xD)
Nice ! I Hope Manic Comes To Save Me Before Shadow ... DOES SOMETHING ! ! ! D:>
I Wanna Hit Shadow Upside The Head First ! :(