What's Your Flooring Style?

What's Your Flooring Style?

Ever wonder what flooring style fits your personality best? Take this quiz to help you find a floor that you'll love!

published on June 20, 20134 responses 0
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What color scheme do you like best?

What color scheme do you like best?
Grey and White
Brown and Beige

What textures would you rather lounge on?

What textures would you rather lounge on?
Silk and Velvet
Leather and Cotton

What surface pleases your eyes?

What surface pleases your eyes?
Shiny and Sleek
Rough and Grainy

What type of setting would you rather live in?

What type of setting would you rather live in?
County Acerage
City Suburban

What arrangement is your home usually in?

What arrangement is your home usually in?
Few Details and Rarely Cluttered
Love Fine Details and Some Clutter is OK