Dragon Type Quiz (1)

Dragon Type Quiz (1)

Find the type of dragon you might have been in another life! You might be water, ice, earth, fire, or air!

published on May 08, 2013133 responses 25
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If insulted greatly(SMELLY OAF!), would you;

If insulted greatly(SMELLY OAF!), would you;
Say this;"OAF!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! RAAAAGH!!"
Take a deep breath, and assess whether it's reall
y worth your time to pummel them. Then wish
you had a bucket of water to dump on their
Just ignore them. They'll go away of sheer boredom.
Make a witty remark that would confuse the insulter, then walk away.
Annoy them until the run away screaming, then laugh triumphantly.

If you could literally do ANYTHING(fly, fight sharks, etc.) would you;

If you could literally do ANYTHING(fly, fight sharks, etc.) would you;
Swim in lava.
Become a mermaid for however long you wanted.
Fly over houses and make it rain cookies.
Discover Atlantis.
Discover an end to world hunger.

If a friend were sick, and you could send them anything, what would you send them?

If a friend were sick, and you could send them anything, what would you send them?
An ice sculpture.
A gag. It'll be useful for apprehending their annoying little brother.
A cheesy card. Funny!
A cream soda and your favorite book.
Mad libs and brainteasers! Lots of them!

What is your favorite dessert?

What is your favorite dessert?
A slice of pie!
A doughboy.
Chocolate chip cookies.
A cupcake!
Sugar cookies.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
Navy Blue.
Light Blue.
Dark red and pink.
Anything that makes other people cringe!
Forest Green.