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Hogwarts Sorting Quiz Golden
Which house? Grifendoor, Hufflepuff, Slythern, or maybe Ravenclaw! Well you will find out in this quiz!
8 responses 0
on September 28, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Safe Escape WWFFY part 7
Heads up guys, this part gets a little heavy! You get closer to your friends in this one :)
57 responses 8
on September 27, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Which author's books should you read?
Are you looking for a new author to become obsessed with? Have you been wanting a new book to read? If so, then take this quiz! It will tell you the author whose books you should start reading!
27 responses 12
on September 27, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Neal Shusterman
Neal Shusterman
Neal Shusterman writes sometimes disturbing books about alternate lands/societies. Some of his books are:
Unwind- In this dystopian society, juvenile delinquents are literally taken apart, their organs and bones going to people who need them.
Everlost- A boy and a girl are in a car crash, and both end up in a strange world between life and death.
on September 27, 2016
added a scored quiz to the favorite list
Who's Who in the Eeveelutions Squad?
Basically a test to see who's like what in Eeveelutions Squad. Kaleythecreepypasta made the page, credid to them! Enjoy!
5 responses 2
on September 26, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What song should you listen to? (2)
Have you been looking for new songs to listen to? If so, then take this quiz! It'll tell you what song fits your music taste.
46 responses 9
on September 26, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Dose Greeley approve of you?
You meet Greeley while walking in jamaa townmanship and he asks you questions about yourself. You don't know why but you answer them
24 responses 8
on September 26, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What type of jammer are you? (1)
What kind of jammer are you? Find out and say in the comments if I got it correct!
5 responses 3
on September 26, 2016
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Are they really worth the wait?
Based on problems in the past year and a half, this quiz will determine if they're really worth waiting for or really worth all of the trouble.
23 responses 0
on September 24, 2016
on September 20, 2016
on September 20, 2016
asked a question
on September 20, 2016
asked a question
on September 18, 2016
on September 18, 2016
asked a question
on September 18, 2016
asked a question
on September 17, 2016
asked a question
How can I train my puppy not to bite?
on September 17, 2016
created a poll
Which event do you enjoy the most: Halloween, Christmas or your Birthday?
12 votes 1
on September 17, 2016
asked a question
on September 17, 2016
asked a question
Are horses smarter than dogs?
on September 17, 2016