XxSiderionxX's Starred Questions

XxSiderionxX has 5 starred questions
New Story: "Wealth's Death" - Who wants in it?
Remember the story idea I had earlier? It's finally being turned into a story - Wealth's Death. If you'd like to be in it, here's how it works: Rich teenagers between the ages of 12 and 19 are being kidnapped by adults who liv...
4 / 0 profile question
Are you agianst animal abuse???
Its super super sad when i hear a story on the news about animal abuse! Answer if you agree that it is disturbing and horrible!
158 / 256
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next?
We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
291 / 1030
Do you own your own Sonic character?
I am mostly asking this because if YOU want then I can add you as a guest in my one of my quiz series. :) but if don't that's fine to.
14 / 0 profile question